
I just ponied up for a unit on the Kickstarter page. Resistance was futile.

Make that 6 times their goal in backers! I guess there was a pretty serious demand! Good for them. If it was available for this summer's grilling season, I'd seriously consider it! :-)

ammohunt, you say you ban electronics from camping, but my Black Diamond ReVolt headlamp can recharge the batteries from a USB cable. It's great to be able to charge it from my BioLite CampStove!

You're right that your car battery will take a hit, and more than just what the USB device draws. We ran our Honda's battery almost dead by playing the radio for 15 minutes! All other kinds of systems draw power when you turn the key 1 click.

oustulio, as you said, it's not really feasible for big, multi-pot meals. However, I find the ability to gather fuel on the trail, instead of buying pricey cartridges or messing with liquid fuel, pretty appealing. I've had great success with mine while backpacking, canoe camping and winter camping. I can get the

Mike_TO, If you're car-camping you can charge your phone via cig lighter, um accessory power port, in your car. The campstove is great for backpacking (I love mine) or other camping enthusiasts but would probably be more work to feed the fire than you'd want for car camping.

Thanks! I don't know how I missed it. It must be these damn bifocals! :-/

I can't seem to find the setting for disallowing Siri on the lockscreen. Would someone mind posting it?

WheetieB, that uses a different principle. But still fun.

Arcane, I think you're right on the money for both these comments:

Yawn, I'm not that impressed. As climbing routes go, it looks like only a 5.8, with an .3 for pucker-factor!

Whenever I total mess up and wonder if I'm really cut out to be a professional programmer, which I've been for the past 30+ years, I start to suspect that I'm only qualified for a job like selling shoes. Those are dark days.

The TAOM site may be wrong about other things, but they're more right than you about lightning. Lightning can strike when the storm appears up to 10 miles away.

Unfortunately, my wife and mother-in-law cling to it as if it were a lifeline.

Um, because you wouldn't store the battery under the hood where the road dirt can get to it?

Ah, but the sleeping bag doesn't give you that that "wet-bear smell" on humid days! On the plus side, your suggestion would let you sleep soundly through the winter!

My ISP in Vermont (Fairpoint DSL) is so small they don't even show up on the chart. I can tell you that it's definitely not delivering their advertised speed.

Yeah, it's fully of HDR shots that try to make it look better than it is! ;-)

Besides my own shot, I really liked "Objects In The Mirror Are Just As Cuddly As They Appear"

carlosfhdez - I don't think glowing lane lines would help in that situation! Been there, driven through that, slowly.