
Yeah my DSL from Fairpoint is still going to be my limiting factor at home.

Upgrade to the Canon SL1 when you find it on sale. I got mine for $500 with the kit lens and I'm really pleased. The touch screen is well done, on top of the typically-solid Canon interface.

I have 2 words for this: stu pid

Yeah, it'll be work to improve on this I took a couple weeks ago.

I caught him at the Boston World Trade Center and I thought he was very engaging, even if there were 300 others in the room.

I'm safe from having my passwords stolen this way because I don't use swear words as passwords.

ROTFLMFAO! I gotta get me those prints for my office!

Why am I not surprised Picard was quoting Shakespeare here? That's just perfect!

I clicked the link and it said it couldn't access my location information (because I don't let Chrome share it). It's disappointing that the site doesn't work w/o grabbing (and saving?) your current location. I'm just glad I have that locked up! Bad site! Bad bad website!


I used to set mine all the time when I had a manual transmission. Then I set it in my garage one night and the cable snapped, leaving the e-brake locked on. They had to send a special tow truck to drag it out on the truck bed to take it for service! Ouch.

retroboy - can't you see the shape of your glass (or is it plastic?) is different? As someone who enjoys a good single malt Scotch from a Glencairn glass (think small brandy snifter), I can assure you the shape makes a difference.

I struggle to think of where I would need a single bulb that puts out the equivalent of an incandescent 40-watt bulb. Following the link shows that it doesn't actually draw 40 watts, which would be very bright. I'm middle-aged so my eyes aren't as good as they used to be, but that seems like a dim bulb to me!

Wow, there was a minute of my life wasted scanning the first few paragraphs of this article to find SOME useful bit of info. I couldn't. I don't understand why this is here???

Like chewbacchanalia, I'm not able/willing to spend a mint on my outdoor gear either. A jacket for $400? Seriously?

$45 seems pretty steep for a camp lantern this small. Or is it just me that's cheap?

I can still almost remember the sequence to boot the PDP-8/e (with dual DECtapes, no Winchester drive available) my high school had, I did it so many times! Let's see 7766...7667. Nope, gone.

Yeah even after reading your description, this is still not important to my life. Thanks for wasting my time.

Yeah that didn't clear it up for me much. I get the knots part, but the nautical miles still eludes me, especially when they talk about planes flying at speeds in nautical miles per hour.

They're illegal in FL because no one wants to see what's up Grandma's skirt!