
What's Hindi for "password"? Use that!

Charge via USB with the BioLite CampStove or HomeStove. Check out their website for details.

Thanks for this! Of course, it doesn't say if erasing this simply means YOU can't view it anymore. It doesn't say anything about whether they keep the information to use for their advertising.

Gorgeous video! It reminds me of our 12-day trip to Utah 8 years ago.

Or give someone your keys so you can't go home?

Your link didn't help, as it didn't explain, for example, whether they herd them to use for meat, milk, fur, all three of those or some other use for a reindeer I can't think of.

We got a propane-fired tankless WH 2 years ago when our old tank died. There is a gap of about 30 seconds before you get hot water, which sucks for hand-washing dishes (if you turn on and off), but is no big deal for showers (turn on, pee, strip, water is at temp). I flushed the mineral build-up for the first time

Um, that's supposedly grass seed and fertilizer, sprayed in April so it comes up in time for graduation. They just color it green for aesthetics.

Brent Rose,

I agree with you on all counts.

Thanks for the reply, sorry I didn't notice it til now.

Thanks for the heads-up. I just found it (under Settings->General) and changed it to Circles.

As a time traveler, I can't decide between stopping JFK's and MLK's assassination or preventing 9-11. So why would I bother to tweet about a pope or a comet unless they caused a world-changing event? As humble and down-to-earth as Pope Francis is, I don't think he's going to change a major portion of any large

After the "wow" of seeing this video, I couldn't help but think that every dog in the city was cowering in a closet in their home from the noise! Poor things!

Someone had to transport and set up all these fireworks, plus clean up after it. Who's to say the transient (near-slave) labor there didn't get any economic benefit?

It's better than that Steven Seagal show.

Been done.

At a winter camping training session, a guy brought a brick form he'd made from wood, along with a painter's extension rod. You anchored the rod with a stake in the center of your igloo-to-be extend the rod to the diameter you want to achieve, then fill the form, then place the form next to the painter's extension

What's your source for that statement? Or can you link to the technique?

That would be called a quinzee shelter, not an igloo.