
Or they need elected officials with no engineering background to stay away from these projects.

It’s not always the manufacturers per se, it’s the ‘spec by committee’ that they have to work with. Working with an elected board that’s tasked with steering their technical people on developing their ‘must haves’ is a receptive for shitty end results. The transit authorities should provide performance specs only

So long Alanis! Your old weekend ‘Woman of Motorsport’ weekly feature was always a good read.  

Nadiya was a joy as a contestant but I don’t think she has the gravitas to be a judge

I can’t say that I’ve been in their bathroom. Those dirty dogs would make a perfect gut bomb for coming home from the pub.

I love inexplicable regional food traditions.  I wouldn’t visit Glenn’s Falls without getting a hotdog from New Way Lunch.  Completely innocuous hot dog, but give it a cultural context and it’s like the observation problem in quantum physics.

Chris Hill felt safe because Drew Magary was there to protect him.

Until they have a New Jersey accent, roll around on their own unicycle/segway and can vacuum, wash dishes, iron AND answer to “Rosie”...Hard Pass.

It mentioned Tesla and Musk so....happy?

I always thought it was the equivalent of dazzle camo

Maybe, but I think it has more to do with where the HQ is.  

*sigh- I guess so. I guess in so far as internet comment culture has conditioned us to always pick a team....for everything now.

It really is a fine line to walk when you’re curating content, as you can see in the comments. I’d never be one to say ‘stick to cars’ but i’m also not interested in reading ‘the splinter of the transportation industry’

I get that. I have also been reading this blog for over a decade and commenting daily for slightly less. I still wade through the shitty ads, laggy performance and auto-play videos to read some great writing. My point is mostly regarding my own observation that the editorial on Jalopnik has morphed to a pervasive

Where the majority of editorial content comes from folks who live and work where it is impractical to own a vehicle.  Just sayin’ 

No he doesn’t

On so many levels.  I love the fact that it’s the 16yo stuff being it makes a difference.

Stop trying to make to make the tweel a thing.  for 99% of tire applications it makes no engineering sense. :)

Poor people can’t be good drivers?

lol...yes like that.