
I find that this is a very common sentiment from Americans. I get into this discussion quite often because I travel to the US quite often and also host business associates from the states. If we go out for dinner in Canada and the debit/visa machine comes to our table, the ensuing discussion tends to turn to how debit

Agreed.  I was thinking coarse bread crumbs moistened with chicken stock and well seasoned.  It would be a fine line, as too much or too fine would become mushy paste.  I’m thinking a denser version of chicken pot pie and with the breading and potato chunks added.  Full crust top instead of croutons 

Does it make a discernible difference?

As Thomas Wolfe so eloquently wrote, “ You can’t go back home to the MSN Zone.”

YES! There ya go. It’s coming together.

I know that smell

This mincemeat recipe inspires me to try to concoct a minced turkey meat pie with cranberries, potato, and some combination to evoke stuffing such as poultry seasoning, maybe cashews? Why haven’t I thought of this before??

who was also a coal miner.

I mean, if I can’t have validation from a cold and distant father, the stars will do.

Plus clam juice, horseradish, Tabasco, 2oz Ketel One, pepper and a celery stock to stir.  Now THATS breakfast.

Thanks! I guess that’s why I look forward to Biscoff cookies whenever I fly Delta! 

I don’t get why I see so many people ordering Tomato Juice from the cart especially when you rarely every see people drinking it on terra firma.

The routes that these seaplanes take make them ideal candidates to be early adopters, as they typically hop across the Straight of Georgia, 25 minute flights.

Or extra hot earl grey even.

I’m gonna have to go-ahead and order me one of those.

I still doodle them like I did back then.

Some might say it’s fabulous.

*Chef kiss*

I Have a desk drawer full of coffee mugs that I rotate through depending on the time of year and my current mood. I always have one in my hands and I have to check myself or my pose becomes too Bill Lumbergh -esque. Here are a few:

Can we all collectively agree to officially call it the “PedoGuy Truck” from now on??