
I’ve owned 6 Toyotas or Acuras since 2004 only 2 (both 2004 models) were built in Japan. The rest? San Antonio TX, Marysville OH, and East Liberty OH

Yeah, our countries economies are so intertwined (being the largest trading partners) that it benefits workers on both sides of the boarder. For example, Magna International employs roughly 25K workers in all 3 ex-NAFTA countries. So even though the assembly line is in Oshawa, the supply chain supports everyone.

You mean that the equation for Work is the same if it’s an electric or fossil fuel powered vehicle??  MIND FUCKING BLOWN

You don’t need to ‘see’ John “The Rock” Cena to know that you have been in his presence.  

Good luck Patrick.  We’ll miss you here. Looking forward to seeing how you will shape The Drive’s community.

My family’s Christmas food is very much in alignment with Jewish food because of our Eastern European heritage. Perogies, cabbage rolls, borscht, “potato pancakes” as we call them. All very similar based on the fact that orthodox Cristians ( and Catholics)and Jews share a bond of geographic roots.

Heinz claims to produce 11 billion packets every year, which makes it pretty astounding that it hasn’t drawn a backlash at least on par with the one that plastic straws stirred in the collective social conscience.

Who needs Pitchfork when you have Bevis and Butthead.  Much more succinct.

Her bottles are devil-red and her dog’s the color ocher,

I refuse, out of principal, to complain about any loud exhaust.

My takeaway is that Ghost Recon players want Breakpoint to be more like classic Ghost Recon. Whoda thunkit?

Good luck Kate. Thanks for some great reads. I’ll raise a Budvar to you.

Caesars  too!

Chicane comes from the racing term” just so you know Kristen *rolls eyes*

Well, its design details are current gen for Acura so I would say it would need to be in production in the next three years if it ever will see the light of day.

I think I’ve made the same comment in the past, but a very smart engineer once told me to never design an elegant solution for a simple problem.

It’s funny how conditioned we get and how quickly we get used to a feature that, a few years ago, we would have thought was revolutionary.

To me, its a take on micro transactions and ‘pay-to-win’.

I’m a social liberal and I can even see how preposterous your statement is. They are social policy echo chambers for special interest groups of the far left and the school administrations foster and distribute their ideology.

The grill looks like a prolapsed stoma.