gmagnusson’s like the GTI of the 80’s?

pssh...just because your kid can’t make it through the gauntlet...

Back in the halcyon days of teen aged metabolism, I was known to knock back 5 cheeseburgers shit like ‘wanting to live to see my grandchildren’ gets in the way.


haha, Just yesterday I noticed that when I was going down the Google Maps rabbit hole which started in Villa Nova.

I can understand the sentiment of the report. 

5th Gear: Frienimenly Relationships

Until they stop selling Cadillacs through Chevy stores, they will have a hard time building a modern brand identity.

I feel so superior, walking around with a long doppio in a short cup with the lid off. Oh this? It’s VERY European; you probably wouldn’t like it.

His writing career is taking flight.

I think I know what you mean. My SO doesn’t care for the texture if I use too much baking powder.  Maybe ‘papery’ is a better adjective than ‘weird’.

Now playing

The Kenji method has worked flawlessly for me, even if you don’t have time (or forget) to do them the night before. I’ve gotten the best outcomes from this method for oven baked crispness.

It could have easily been a rejected design for the Lightning/Sens expansion.

Kate, I forgot about Shiner as well. There are many similarities to the ‘oft forgotten about Dr. Dre, but mostly that they both were ahead of their time.  Shiner was the first of the American “premium” beers available everywhere.  Them and Sam Adams forged the path for more regional heavyweights like Full Sails and

I think it’s setting up the fact that there’s a long time between TF / Overwatch and Oregon Trail / RDR. Star Citizen won’t come out until well after HL3 comes out. (Haha?) I guess they’re derivatives?  I don’t know the plot of it suppose to be similar to HL?

Yup, this Slayer issue kinda triggers that ‘80’s Freedom of Speech...Just Watch What You Say vibe.

Exactly...that’s my point. The decision to drop the Slayer livery is rooted in the conservative movement, PMRC, “moral majority”, Tipper Gore bead clutching.

Actually the exact opposite.  #MoralMajority

I’d like to send this letter to the Prussian Consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 auto-gyro?