Yeah the more I think about it I have a feeling that toasting the muffin halves on a griddle with butter may be the je ne sais quoi .
Yeah the more I think about it I have a feeling that toasting the muffin halves on a griddle with butter may be the je ne sais quoi .
I hear you. Case in point; that last great Benny I referred to had the perfect toasted and buttered muffin....seemingly unaffected by humidity and sauce. Eerily, deliciously hydrophobic.
I swear ‘context’ is a real ingredient in a burrito
It’s funny how intangible the reasons for a good vs meh breakfast sandwich are.
Getting around the problem of increased pressure due to secondary fermentation goes back 600 years. I’m not worried about keeping a bottle of Lambic or Cava on the shelf because the bottles were designed for it.
Oh I know. I can picture it in my mind like it was yesterday.
Was Sterling’s plane behind them in the pattern?
You never know when it’s your time ta’co.
Yes, and now that Ashcroft owns that music, all the better!
Yes but does it run Panzer General??
Come and try ta’ snatch my crops
These pigs want to chew my corn down
Snoots underground
To the next town
They get mad when they come to raid my pad
But I’m waitin’ with my gun and Chad.
These new motors are motherfuckin’ miracles.
We’re the same age and in 1999 I had a 4 year old and was 2 years into a “mature student” marketing degree while working full time phase. When people reminisce about The Postal Service and other stuff in the late ‘90's I should have been dialed into, I just kinda shrug and wonder if i have early onset Alzheimers.
No, but I do remember those soda cans that had one small push-in flap to release the pressure and one larger push-in flap for drinking out of. They didn’t have a tab so you had to use your thumb, invariably wedging your thumb into the sharp hole while doing so. Who thought that was a good idea?? Maybe invented by…
I’ve never seen those Hope landings, cool. Hopefully they stopped into YCW for pie on their way back ;)
Yup. The 200 is the DC-3 of jet liners.
It’s hard to demonize Pong.
There is still a 737-200 simulator running at YVR. It’s hilarious because it’s right beside the A340 sim. What a difference in technology.
You know those frustrating dreams where you can’t get to where you’re going and every way you go gets you further away from where you want to go? That would be your reality trying to walk from the hotel to the terminal.
That whole area is like hell on earth. It took my taxi an hour and 15 to get from the Marriott to departures. It’s literally half a mile away across the highway.