
It’s because the Uber model isn’t profitable and relies on investor cash infusion, not revenue to stay afloat. Taxi companies limit costs by limiting supply, hence all the problems of getting timely service anywhere outside of a major metropolitan CBD.

I mean it’s cool from an A E S T H E T I C standpoint and it does add a nostalgic feel. Having said that, I still get blown away at the beginning of SkySports F1 coverage when the helicopter shots pan over Monaco or Baku in even less than 4K cable feed.  The 4K stuff that you get on the native tv app for Netflix is

Thanks PC. I guess I delivered my feigned innocence a bit too dry :)

I....I don’t get the reference.

Han dies.

Sub 300 hp v6 turbo?

That there is such a thing as an ‘80’s muscle car.

“rich racist old misogynistic rude assholes.”

No Question here, just have a great weekend! (We have a long weekend up here)

It’s been a few years since I’ve asked for “cut the old way” just because i don’t want to be that guy.  Do they still do it?

...before taking a leak in the aisle.

Car brown liquor = Gasoline

It looks like a character from Arthur. Like Francine’s down and out uncle who happens to be a ....supercar?

I’ll have to try it.  My go-to is the serious eats oven method but hey...any excuse to pull out the Instapot.

I kinda feel that wings need all that time in a dry heat to get crispy AND cook through at the same time. I love my Instapot but I’m dubious about whether the wings would benefit from this step

Give up now. There’s no way to out-woke Hamilton Nolan.

One of the most memorable races since the infamous Interlagos race(s). Even the wet spot in China a few years ago added some szechuan spice to a usually boring Chinese race. Common thread is the rain.

I prefer the alternate future....

That’s just Pretzel Logic, my friend.

Well to be fair, towing would be a reasonable, measured approach.