
A level headed approach. Contrary to the overall vibe on the Kinja sites...not everything we do needs to be virtue signaling.

Slice of spiral ham, anyone?

time marches on

I was thinking the same thing but I think the other company was in Panama.

Wow those look like some tasty sandwiches!

With the tagline “All the sugar and twice the caffeine” ??

One thing I’ve learned living among Chinese ex-pats: Baijiu should only be drunk if there are no other options available.

Yeah I think the photographer got the best out of its subject on this one.

Here here

You’re right! I’ve stupidly been worried about adding value through operational execution when all this time I could have just sold bullshit ideas to gullible investors and made my money from director’s fees. 

This is a great investment if you don’t have to rely on the company actually generating earnings to make your money back.


“Produce (the) Cash”

Seeing a bun signed by David L Lander- Squiggy, triggers my existential dread response for some reason...oh and also my cravings for a chili dog and an ice cold Shotz.

I know right?  Bellagio and Caesars are next door to each other and it still takes 15 minutes to walk between the two.

Roman numeral tach?  That’s Gordon Gekko opulence right there.

“Rear visibility is awesome”- Diablo owner.


Agreed! I look forward to our once-a-year snape sautee (I will never stop calling them snapes)