RIP Lee. If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have the benefit of cab forward design today!
RIP Lee. If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have the benefit of cab forward design today!
All the Canadian 2000's came with Solex :)
You were probably like me in the mid 80's...obsessed by muscle cars? These weren’t even on my radar and I didn’t even know about them until I picked up mine in the mid ‘aughts.
Yup, I have mine disabled. ACC, on the otherhand is great for freeway and long trips.
Super clean SR20 swaps are going for north of $30k now. All the Roadster flavours have really taken off....not that it’s a good thing.
I wonder if all the focus on the stewards and their decisions and the rules etc etc has a root cause in the fact that we have a rookie Race Director?
Not for PS4
I’m on Team Kristen for this one. Red tops never improve the situation....except perhaps on a Cushman.
I agree with you and also Jorsher’s comment that they don’t go into a dealership and buy a truck. That doesn’t change the fact that the demand is there and the demand is being satisfied by a distribution network. The manufacturers retain their culpable deniability by working through intermediaries and the resellers.
So...a Toyota distributor. Don’t be so naive.
That point doesn’t exist. See: all those Toyota “tacticals” in hot spots, all the high end dealerships in Vancouver cashing in on Chinese money laundering etc etc.
Did you go slow over the neon yellow speed bumps?
Ah, I miss the ‘ol Hat Simulator.
My god...I was going to post this. Charlie Drayton’s harmony is the most incredible part.
Ooo...Coq au Vin
Singing the Pepto-Bismol song as I type this.
In Canada, Discovery Velocity channel is broadcasting the 24 hours of Le Mans
And, as a From game, I bet there is already hours of lore explanation on Youtube.
Not everyone can be a “Kevin “Fragmaster” Bowen”level quipster.