Holy crap, this thing is the definition of trying too hard. The front end does not work aesthetically, at all. And the red/black interior is more out of place than the front end is. You are an SUV, not a GTR.
Holy crap, this thing is the definition of trying too hard. The front end does not work aesthetically, at all. And the red/black interior is more out of place than the front end is. You are an SUV, not a GTR.
That ‘trucks’ picture is clearly a photoshop. if it were a real photo, all of the light bars would be on and blinding the shit out of everyone for 3 counties.
Its your car, not theirs. get what you want. Get that STi.
I didn’t say it was unreasonable. It shows the improvements over the generations. The current “normal” is equivalent to the top spec from older generations. If you want to see what the real improvement is, compare like trims. I personally can’t wait to see what GM is able to do with the C8 Z06.
I didn’t purchase in 2019, but I did purchase a new 2019 this past weekend. So, I didn’t help Q4'19, but I did help Q1'20.
I have the exact opposite take. Considering that this “base” C8 is being compared to previous generation Z06s show just how good this new vette is. The C8 Z06 is going to be an absolute monster.
Thank you. That’s the one game I was hoping would be there.
I think the cash in the drawer has a pretty good value to size. Although, I seriously doubt they keep 130k worth of cash in registers, even across 4 stores.
Very well may be a regional thing. Down here in the SE, unless you are getting a Subaru, getting AWD is a damn challenge.
If I had to guess, I’d say the majority of CUVs out there don’t have AWD. I’d say you are correct on ease of entry though. That and people like being higher up for better view of the road.
In college I worked in the IT dept for a convience store chain. POS is a very apt description of the point of sale machines. It’s been almost 20 years since then, and I’m sure there are a large number of the machines that are exactly the same as when I supported them, which weren’t exactly state of the art then.
Yeah, while they were arguing about how I should go through the check point, they weren’t sending anyone else through, so it caused a huge backup.
We went to New York this past summer, and when we got to the scanners, our line order was wife, our two kids, then me at the back of the line. They instructed my wife to by-pass the scannner along with out kids, and first agent told me to by pass as well. As I start walking through that line, the agent there told me I…
Nissan, for the love of God, bring the IDx to production. Just not FWD...and with a Manual.
Maybe this is a generational thing, but I’ve seen a lot of comments hating on the woman because she is an influencer, which was not my original take on her roll. I thought/assumed she had a “normal” job and she was just doing a video diary, and not a vlog being shared with the interwebs. Not a good commercial, but…
I’m 11 years in to waking up at 6am. I still fucking hate it, but I still do it. Last night, my brain was like “sleep? not for you tonight.” Fell asleep at 2:45am. Still had to wake up at 6am. You’d think that means I’ll just fall asleep early tonight, but I’m fully expecting my brain to pull a “hahaha, nope” again…
Phshaw. In my house, we only eat Toaster Streudels. Pop Tarts are for the poors.
And that’s why she gave him a video diary for his present the following year. There’s a year’s worth of anger and resentment in her present.
I don’t get how this comment doesn’t have more stars.
Oh man, that’s a soundtrack I haven’t thought of in many years. Had that on cassette, and played the crap out it.