
That pillow might be neat, but all these other things could be done with the thing that we have from K-Mart eight gazillion years ago.

That pillow might be neat, but all these other things could be done with the thing that we have from K-Mart eight

I remember when I learned how to de-sync Ice Climbers in Brawl, then unleashed it on my friends. Good times.

super sledge...

Alright Cindy, I’ll take your ‘package’ to the evil swamp filled with giant, carnivorous birds.

I’m meeting a lot of 35-45 year olds that I could swear were my age. Maybe we’re just starting to look older ourselves, and our standards change.

There you go everyone. ~LegendAssassin~ has called it. You can stop debating, now.

wait did that happen

There better be a CB-23 skin. BB-8 is cool, but CB-23 is super badass.

Those models look like the kind of things I would download in 2010 to replace the default ones.

giant steam mech robot spider shooting missiles.

I’ve managed to preserve my physical copy. Because of all the garbage rights issues behind the game (thanks Microsoft) I’m probably going to burn it and upload it at some point. It’s a great RTS campaign that people need to play.

The first level of a game I play a lot would be the obvious choice, but I’m going to go with something crazy obscure.

I grew up on canned cream of mushroom and cream of chicken soups - Often mixing them, so this recipe seems right up my alley.

Eugh. Whole place is like... Sausage festival.

When I played through last I made it a point not to abuse the free flow stuff, and I had a blast. Yeah the story is bonkers, but it’s still a fun romp. I’d put it above re:coded for sure, at the very least. Maybe even chain of memories.

My name spelled backwards is Disney!

DDD was good actually


I will.

Saw this comment, scrolled up to watch the trailer. Oh my god this looks ADORABLE.