I will always split up my tab during a shift change if it happens. I love my local place, and I love all the servers there, and it’s just easier for them to close out and then start a new tab.
I will always split up my tab during a shift change if it happens. I love my local place, and I love all the servers there, and it’s just easier for them to close out and then start a new tab.
Typically it’ll be at places that serve alcohol, and during the midday around 3-5ish.
Time Travelling Face Bag from Metalocalypse.
At least know you can look forward to how things get to that point. I had the ending of the first Red Dead Redemption spoiled for me the day I bought it, while it was still sealed in my bag. Definitely changed the story for me...
Titanfall 2 has one of the best single player campaigns in a first person shooter hands down. One of the levels has you fighting through a factory that puts together levels, and that’s not even the best one!
Even if the end sucks, the Citadel DLC is one of the single most heartwarming pieces of gaming I’ve ever played, and is one of the reasons I replay the entire trilogy every couple of years.
The “nicer” places you’re going to are stuck in movies from the 80's.
Damn. That was going so well. Then even they fucked it up.
I cannot imagine how absolutely insane that would drive me. The only sounds being conversation, dishes, and eating? No thanks. I need an ambiance to drown all that stuff out, but not so loud that I can’t hear who I’m dining with.
Considering they’ve dropped the “Part 1" I’m guessing FFVIIR is going to be its own franchise, like FFXIII was.
I think you missed the joke. The joke is: The gamplay trailer looks exactly like something capable by the current Overwatch engine.
Could you link me the gameplay footage that shows the new engine? That would be awesome. The trailer looks like just another Blizzard quality cinematic.
It is a damn shame this looks so good. I loooove Diablo’s story. And this is exciting!
Kenny Omega is amazing and one of the only people I can think of who can incorporate something like sans properly. Dude also did Fist of the North Star, once.
Is there liver in the chopped chicken liver..?
There’s a difference between packing with socks (which looks awful) and packing with a prosthetic (which a lot of people don’t know exist). I imagine the LW didn’t know that you could buy them.
I wonder if six degrees of inner turbulence counts as one track on these boys...
I still haven’t played Kazumi’s stuff from ME2 because of this. Ugh.
Having Titanfall 2 and Mass Effect 3 on steam would be the single push to get me to replay those games.
The thing for me is that my computer is aging, and showing its age. There are a ton of games I want to play on a PC rather than console (Outer worlds, Prey. Essentially 2016+) but it’s at the point where an upgrade would require an entire overhaul. Video cards are fucking huge (physically), downloads are getting…