
I really really really want more agents of SHIELD. Specifically, I want more Deke.

you mean squacks

That’s if you want to plug it into an outlet. You can use literally any AC-USB adapter for that, you probably have six in your home. You can also plug it directly into any USB port. The one on the front of our super old cable box works just fine, or the one on your TV itself.

Nah. Modded SNES classic beats it out of the water through convenience factor alone. For the 64 bit era, though, I feel like games are too big to mod these bad boys. Sticking to emulation on your PC would still be the best way to replay ‘em.

There’s no rule saying you CAN’T have two psychics on your team.

As a dishwasher: This. The other extreme is also frustrating, some new servers bus so few things at a time it’s hard to stay caught up.

That’s a lot of words when you could have just said “I’m white and scared.”

List is certainly missing Stories Untold

It’s also a reason to dress up, get drunk, and go dancing.

the evolution of mechanics is *so* good. I can’t contain myself. It was really fun to play, as well as fulfilling as an old UNDERTALE fan.

that was...

I personally am not saying a thing

That. I. I just. Fuck. I’m so ready. You all ready? I’m ready. That was a *VERY GOOD* taste of what’s to come.

The hooks only get deeper, and deeper, and deeper.

that was my mom’s first attempt. and now me and a younger brother exist. just keep going.

in MTGA I’ve been dominating with WU fliers/enchantment. The guild hasn’t even been introduced yet! Same with the mermaider merfolk deck. No simic yet.

Weeeird. I always did pickle brine and whiskey. 

“This, quite frankly, is waving more red flags than a military parade in Tiananmen Square.”

I’m guessing Delissio is a Canadian thing, but that’s my go-to. It’s super bready like Digiorniioio, but with better toppings. I love dipping the massive breadstick-like crusts into stuff.

I know our booya has pre-portioned seafood, like the seafood for each portion is in a container and prepped for service. Now, ours already has scallops, but if they operate the same way it would mean they now need to find a use for three lonely shrimp. If there aren’t any, then they’ll likely sit in the fridge until