
Yup. I stopped pirating with the advent of Netflix, Google Play Music, and Steam sales. You can only subscribe to so many things, however, and it’s hard to justify a sub for only one or two shows. Soooo...


I’m way too scared of breaking any of these things to make the investment. I am incredibly lucky to have not smashed my current monstrosity, but I guess it IS getting time to try out something else.

Fat people tend to be really dexterous. Lots of compensating. After losing all my weight and getting stronger, my reflexes and quickness are insane.

I’ve never seen this clip. Thank you for bringing it up. 

“No, no, not that kind of over!”
TOO REAL. Texting is hard.

As it was said in the article and the tweet, it was just the pair of them waiting on testing and bug reports. They had nothing better to do.

Because they have to go back down after making the delivery, whereas you going back up doesn’t cut into their time.

You’re “ashamed and sad” that your little soldier ladies are kicking ass instead of staying home and making babies?

Tuesday is My Hero Academia Movie Day! I’m so excited. It’s my first excuse to go to the theatres in forever.

I imagine it’s the same with the SNES classic. If it’s powered by USB 1.0, you could plug it into literally anything. We plug ours into a fifteen-year-old digital cable box at the bar every so often.

If this thing has Mega Man Legends on it, I will buy two so I can eat one and play the other.

Just wanted to say that despite my personal thoughts on religion that I love theological discussions like this. Cool stuff.

. . . . . Wow. And I thought “B-But it’s legal where I live!” was scummy enough. This just throws any semblance of high ground out the window. You groomed a teenager. Who is ALSO your wife’s sister. Fuck off.

I’ll say something. You’re a pedophile.

Makes as much sense as any other FF. 

Nah, they’re still good. You’re letting your mistake of not selling at the right time colour your opinion of everything else.

I’ve been to Cuba twice, and I swom to jom nobody has tasted food until they’ve had red beans and rice on a family-owned restaurant patio. To this day, I’ve never had anything so delicious. I’ve never been able to replicate it since.

2B you can’t drive, you’re blindfolded!