Only if I get to keep my character intact. Tauren Druid in the alliance pleeeease.
Only if I get to keep my character intact. Tauren Druid in the alliance pleeeease.
Much obliged
Could be worse. She could be stealing from your plate before packing up the leftovers.
Mind spoiling it for me?
Old white men are a considerable threat, particularly when armed. A drunk white man who is 60+ is up on the list of people I do not want to bump into with my boyfriend.
At least you’re not hiding your fragility.
We eat cows, and I can make a safe guess that someone’s called her a fat cow at least once in her life.
You’re Irish and you get insulted by white people jokes? You do realize that your ancestors had it pretty fucking bad, too. To the point where they were considered less-than just as much as black people were. It’s like someone making a joke about the french and you’re getting offended even though it has nothing to do…
I’m totally down for this. Code Geass was pretty formative for me back when it came out (impressionable teenager).
Take it up with the same people that named Swiss Chalet. That chicken ain’t swiss!
then let horde players defect. i felt like this during garrosh, but at least he still had orcs on the mind.
Fuck your feelings.
When people get offensive, I get up and tell them to shut it. If the restaurant/bar/whatever isn’t on my side, they don’t get my business anymore.
Sorry dude, swing and a miss this time.
You can’t buy poison at a marketplace.
They fill up an entire row in the glassware rack for one customer.
I have NEVER had this happen to me. Canada, though, not US. If someone asked me for my credit card, I’d give them the ol’ “I don’t HAVE a credit card, jackass.”
FF7's world map theme is incredibly long, and continues from where you left off in between battles
among *secret herbs and spices* we use lardon cubes and apple pieces in our turkey burgers.
There is no better engineer than someone stoned who just broke his piece and needs to fashion a new one out of whatever is in arm’s reach and a pair of scissors.