
For sure. I chug sodies like no tomorrow, but when it comes to things like bead chains and the like, there’s always that nagging feeling of not wanting to use it. Like a mega-phoenix or something. P3P sort of negated it by letting you craft all the fun combat items, but FES was the first time where I didn’t feel

Persona 3 FES is probably the first time I ran out of items by the end of the game. SMT games are really good about making you want to use things like that.

I’m so ready for this Clark Gregg as Coulson is the most well-cast character in history.

Just takes longer and makes timing with the other meals a bit of a hassle, that’s all. We might make fun of you, but we’re not going to intentionally mess up your order.

you know there are 11k kids right? what do you think is going to happen? They’re all going to find loving families in 20 days?

I mean. I’ve met people exactly like that, and for the longest time *I* dressed like that during high school. It’s far from unheard of.

That’s not even TRYING to be subtle. Even the name is similar!

Oh, yeah. Because this worked *so well* for Mega Man Legends 3.

Project Nevada introduces a lot of quality of life features like sprinting, proper aiming down sights, and complete customization of difficulty. New Vegas is worth a play through if you’ve never played before, and you liked 3 and 4.

We use a bleach soak at work, but after a while you just gotta say goodbye to that orange/red tube.

Online? Ehhhh. Still, this is the earliest a fallout game has been set afaik. Will be fun to play the first generation of wastelanders.

Pssh. I’ve been having bowls for my meals for years now.

Yes it does. Trans men exist too, and have been peeing next to you since forever.

Okay, you’re talking about girls. You know the original topic was about guys, yeah?

Despite what people think, looks have nothing to do with attraction. If you’re confident and funny, that’s all you need. Jack Black is confident enough for like a hundred people

Eat Immediately.

man, i know how that racetrack must feel. some of my bumps need power tools, too.

Right? Forgotten Realms literally had an era where all the gods came down and fought eachother. And it’s STILL the most important event in their history.

You’re using the fallacy fallacy. If you want everything to be a debate, at least be smart about it.