
Times like this is when I realize why where I work has been rated the cleanest restaurant in the city for like ten years. How can you possibly let oil get that bad? Tossing that shit out is a three-weekly ritual for me.

Exactly why I don’t feel bad about giving my snes classic a shake so it can do everything.

guess you’ve never worked in a restaurant before. food is sacred, no matter how shitty the person is.

I am so ready to play baby john marston.

The first time I saw someone mix their wasabi in with their soy sauce I was dumbfounded. What a waste of wasabi, it ruins the spice entirely.

The difference is the person with the fuck tr*mp shirt won’t try to sue the restaurant. Also, it made a black server quit immediately once they found out who they were working for.

Definitely not. Centrists and trump supporters will think it’s a slippery slope, but there’s a huge difference between being a filthly librul and being a threat to society.

At least the gun is okay


Nothing beats cuban coffee in cuba, with nothing added. a shot of black death was the perfect way to beat a double digit bender from the night before.

ah, resilience. the reason i quit WoW.

oh hey i remember well of souls. that game is amazing

Now playing

If you’ve got half an hour to kill, this video actually really helped me out. My brother played all the spin-off games, but I like you only played the two main games.