Is the space pope reptilian?

I doubt they would, but if they threw Ahsoka in there I would buy it immediately.

Or it’s almost like sex can be extremely emotional for many people, for a myriad of reason, and in a myriad of contexts, regardless of whether they’re engaging in it just for physical pleasure or as part of a loving relationship.

Uh, no Gwen actually wrote that lesson plan back in like 1995.

I mean I should delete that comment but honestly “fucking kites” is making me laugh so hard we’re just gonna let it stay for a sec

Kites are the worst. Sometimes I wish I could just clip all their strings.

Party like it’s your birthday, Ange.

She was devastatingly cute in The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Nice. You knew I’d like that. And I really don’t want them to take Alexander Hamilton off the ten, because the fact that there’s a hardscrabble abolitionist immigrant on the tenner is right and good and just. Immigrants get the job done, man. Money should recognize.

I just want Andrew Fucking Jackson off the twenny. I mean, I know, genocidal psychos need representation too, but seriously, fuck that dude.

And how you look after meeting the President.

Great piece, many thanks for remaining unbiased and doing the same piece for both party debates.

Now I’m wondering why I don’t have a photo of myself as a laser-eyed centaur just waiting at the ready in my Camera Roll.


Wait, so is Biden going to be at the debate, or are they just leaving an empty podium for him, like a Democrat Elijah? I don’t know what is real 2016 news and what is satire anymore.

They killed boobs and music today.

Do it! That’s my go-to Halloween costume: easy and recognizable. Bonus points if you can convince your friends (or, better yet, your kids, if you have any) to dress as dead Dalmatians.