So what you’re saying here is that it is my patriotic duty to the supply chain to purchase a kegerator. On it.
So what you’re saying here is that it is my patriotic duty to the supply chain to purchase a kegerator. On it.
While I agree with her and Bernie on most issues, my love for Warren and ambivalence towards Bernie highlights that Warren’s supporters may not readily gravitate to Sanders.
2 women on each others shoulders wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache for prez 2024
I’ve been a firm Warren supporter pretty much since she announced. I’m ideologically progressive and voted for Bernie in ‘16. I’ll likely vote for him again when the NY primary rolls around.
Yup. Or this ice-cold jam:
You know what......Sonic 2 gave me Tails.
Between this, the ERA ratification, and the Virginia House voting to get ride of “Lee-Jackson Day” (the state holiday celebrating the Confederate generals on the Friday before Martin Luther King Jr. Day) and making Election Day a state holiday instead, I am actually... proud of my state? Such a weird, welcome feeling!
Oh dip! It’s Krillboi!
I don’t think it’s deliberate, either. Mostly because Michael’s experience is relevant to almost everybody on the planet — as a recovering addict, his anxieties certainly speak strongly to my own sense of self.
More trans Michael: literally taking down a photo of the old you and talking about how much it hurts to look at it, and being afraid of the people you knew “before” still seeing you the same old way.
“It’s okay to feel or plead guilty...”
Having just finished Celeste, I am amused that hidden inside Celeste is...a retro Celeste. Interesting choice.
Icactually think this looks really great, so...I guess it’s for me, and people like me?
I’m seriously impressed that not only is there still a Frog debuff, but they highlighted it in the goddamn trailer.
Required viewing.
It’s funny to see how our tastes go in cycles. Roughly a decade, give or take a few years on either end, vacillating between “All right that’s enough goofy quippy bullshit, give me something dark that fucks” and “Enough of this emo crap, let’s lighten things up and crack a smile every now and then.” Good thing we’re…