Is the space pope reptilian?

 someone who I broadly disagreed with on another article made one very fine point: often the assholes who take the time to learn to groom and manipulate children do the same to adults. I suspect that was at play.

The thing I find so confounding about the complicity of USAG/MSU/USOC is... why? Once the allegations started to surface, why keep him? Did this shitstain appear to offer anything special? Did he seem to possess unique skills above and beyond the average sports medicine practitioner? Or was it really just the purely

We loaded the cat and a bunch of water bottles into the trunk and drove to campus to take shelter in the blockiest, most utilitarian and fallout-shelter-like concrete building there (the Ag building in case anyone’s wondering. It has tiny windows, reeks of mothballs, and is certainly nearly airtight). I checked

Side note - did anyone catch Michaela Cole in The Last Jedi, briefly? In the very beginning!

I never knew I could feel so moved by someone receiving a shitload of cocaine, but I was.


Do they at least let you take your heels off between takes?

With the addition of the Sunshine Outfit, does this confirm that Mario Odyssey takes place in the Downfall timeline or does it take place in the Child Mario timeline?

It’s covered elsewhere in the day.

As a Michigan native (and someone who is possibly moving back to my hometown in the next year or two) this is really good news! But, speaking of MI, I’m wondering why Jezebel hasn’t given any attention to the fact that activists have gotten more than enough signatures to get an anti-gerrymandering amendment on the

U2’s sound is not girly. It’s a post-punk musical style that evolved into a stadium-based anthemic guitar-based sound, and then in the mid-1990s, evolved into a tax haven in the Netherlands for the band’s publishing arm, and finally, in 2007, into a tax-avoiding shell company in Malta that Bono used to buy a shopping

In his defense, he was going to say “faggy” but thought that was passé.

I’ve seen bigger:

Finally, someone with a valid Star War complaint.

I for one welcome our new female overlords.

I’d watch the hell out of a female led “Die Hard.”

I get that the internet exists so every dipshit can broadcast their opinion, but literally what is the point of ragging on a movie that you aren’t interested in based on a 2 minute trailer. Does it fill your cold, cold heart with joy? Do you think that Sandra Bullock and her gazillion dollars gives a shit what you

I hope the feminists are taking over. These fragile boys have shown how the smallest things can upset their whole lives. Poor babies.

Let’s start a female led “Die Hard” rumor. Because nothing is sacred, fellas.

They made Luke Skywalker interesting. I love the original trilogy. I love Mark Hamill. I have read an ungodly amount of Expanded Universe stuff. And most of it, however hard it tries, can’t make Luke interesting. He’s The Hero, The Beacon of Hope, The Savior of the Galaxy, the Jediest Jedi in all of the Jedi. Even