How to Train Your Dragon 2 Electric Boogaloo
How to Train Your Dragon 2 Electric Boogaloo
I would expect How To Train Your Dragon 2 to actually win the Oscar, but I cannot believe that the Lego Movie was not even nominated for Best Animated Feature. Like, what?
MSW will always have a special place in my heart. Not just because it's awesome. Not just because Angela Lansbury is divine. But because my mom and I used to watch it in syndication every day the year she was dying of cancer. The resemblance between JF and my mother is also uncanny.
I love you. I love him. I love this clip. I am going to show it to everyone I know, and a lot of people I don't know.
Yay, Victoria! I'm so happy that everyone is safe.
I'm inordinately excited for this Korra gif. You'd think more people here would be all about this female led, female majority cast show, that is also effortlessly feminist due to that fact.
I'd never heard of Feinberg before I went to see Janet Mock speak yesterday and there was a moment of remembrance for her. That coupled with your incredibly insightful comment just pushed Stone Butch Blues to the top of my reading list. Thanks!
Exclusive additional footage:
I was so pleasantly surprised by how far the implied rimming went. I was literally shocked while it was happening, then did a list hoorah afterwards. I don't necessarily think sex depictions need to be graphic, but I loved how nonchalant it was, just as nonchalant as Annalise getting some as well.
But if someone told me to sit in a room and just disengage and also told me there was a button I control that could shock me, all I would do would be think about the button, so I would inevitably shock myself. The investigators made it impossible to disengage by introducing the button in such a way!
This attack on foreskin is uncalled for, Lindy! This evisceration of Keith Ablow (I will not use his honorific) is 100% necessary, however.
There's a vegetarian Mexican take-out restaurant in Manhattan called "Green Goes."
I think this dynamic definitely explains part of it. Growing up my best friend and I always did our dishes and laundry when at his house, but now when we visit his parents, his mom insists on doing our dishes and our laundry. This dynamic never existed before, but it does now. I think this is how she shows how much…
It just sounds like a great way to accidentally sexualize Margaret Thatcher in the shower and poop so that you get aroused whenever you think of them by associating them in your mind with boners.
I can say in no uncertain terms that you have done the Lord's work.
I totally understand you may never feel this (because I don't feel it about myself and this is my own preference for others!) but prominent and big noses are awesome. They immediately stand out and call the world to attention, and highlight every other feature of your face.
Queen Gorgo and Artemisia are both incredible figures, and I love both these actresses. Damn them all for leading me to see this sequel, but kudos to the sequel for making the story about them!