Is the space pope reptilian?

I want to go to this prom then!

Duh and/or hello!

That I get, and I don't want to criticize this one team for studying just the one question they had the time and funding for, I just meant more in general, how is the seeming hole in this area of research justified? It seems like no one is studying the lesbian question.

Lesbians coming from unicorn farts is ridiculous; it's clearly unicorn queefs.

Like Drive!

It was awesome! I saw it last night and couldn't have enjoyed it more.

One of my brothers used to (still does?) have a huge fear of Raggedy Andy; I wonder what terrors this giant Madeline would cause in him?

Charaxos and Larichos may actually be her brothers! Herodotus mentions them in his histories and I don't believe we have any other accounts for them besides that, so this finding is extra exciting!

Reverse Lysistrata is finally a version of this play I can get behind! or under, or on top of. The possibilities are endless!

It is truly surreal that I am pretty sure Coke would not make this decision 4 years ago, maybe not even 2 years ago in Beijing.

This one is specific to Cersei Lannister

Cool Ranch Doritos are the only delicious (or even edible) Doritos

You were thinking of Criss Chros

You get a multipass!

If they weren't so lazy, they'd create another stereotype for themselves!

At first, I thought your comment was an exaggeration, but then I scrolled back up and realized my brain had actively blocked out that image when I first looked. I'm always fascinated by terrible styling on attractive people because it seems like it should be obvious that whatever was tried didn't work out, like on

In Brazil and Fox News studios!

So, I can get behind this part of her point wholeheartedly:

Every year in waiting for the 2009 magic to strike again and it never does. It's not even that the later ones are bad, they just don't fit together as perfectly as this one does in every way.