
Do they really need to be desperate and self-loathing to have an attitude towards casual sex that's different from yours?

I think it goes without saying that OK Cupid is swimming with gross dudes and men just looking to get laid by the hottest woman possible.

Might be joking? Almost anyone reading that profile would assume most of it is a lame attempt at "edgy" humor.

I understand the argument, but "male", in this context, refers to physiological sex, not gender. Had it actually said "born a man" or "a boy" it'd be a different story, sure.

And I do have to say screw you to the guys who came up with this who, instead of stating that the entire con is a safe-zone where racism, sexism, and homophobia is not welcome and anyone caught doing so will be ejected for the remainder of the con, just said that the Diversity Lounge is a safe-zone.

It's not a "safe" space. That's just a word you decided to use.

Oh, it's pretty simple: they're areas set aside specifically for the diversity info booth thing, "designated" one might site.

How do "they" (the FDA?) make money by not approving drugs?

You're conflating two different things.

They're worried that it's not really doing much of anything. They are supposed to evaluate efficacy, not just safety.

Ah the old "almost doubled the increase". Let's look at what that actually means:

You should never cross the streams.

Hmm, I'm not sure how excited I would be about peeing constantly - urination is probably one of those "see your doctor if it persists more than a few hours" kind of things.

I don't think we men wish for breasts that are... haunted? I guess?

"Oh, golly me," you say, "when will I stop hearing about this cooky Sarah Palin?" - when you stop fucking writing about her, is when.

I would think not, since hormone tests measure the ratio between steroids, not absolute levels.

Is that because there is a significant difference in athletic performance between men and women?

Hate to burst your bubble, but this is the same "made for pop-sci" bullshit that made the rounds earlier this year. From the article:

in a city that doesn’t officially consider you a full-fledged citizen

Maybe I'm just hopelessly naive, but it does sound like a purely (or mostly) narrative-based decision.