Isn’t having “like half a million Twitter followers” the very definition of a (very) minor media celebrity?
Isn’t having “like half a million Twitter followers” the very definition of a (very) minor media celebrity?
Manifest sounds like a blander version of The 4400.
I can kind of see both sides of this one. There’s a bunch of stuff in the OT that you could say is “unnecessary” (plot-wise, at least), but it was always the main narrative that jumped between the action-adventury bits, and the Space Opera parts.
I mean, I agree about Theresa, but Ford’s whole thing has been secretly (and creepily) doing Some Shit or another for decades - I am sure he could have “reasons” for just about anything.
They showed a blank wall there when it was just Bernard looking - even went out of the way to frame Theresa’s shadow so it catches the eye - and then a door immediately after, when she brings it up.
Sure, but Ford is the most replicant.
I think it’s just job function: QA and Behavior typically interact with the scenarios in non-obtrusive ways, and the space suit dudes are there to collect bodyparts in the off hours. Which, you know, gets pretty messy.
I am going to go ahead and assume that you’ve never lived through a military coup.
Ok, but that site literally says Types of Minimally Invasive Surgery (like, four times in the headings and also the URL), as in, “definitely not non-invasive”.
Well, she still has the intestines. I don’t think the FDA would be chill with one of the side effects being “gets rid of intestines”.
Can’t really speak to that. It’s definitely not common in the US overall, though I assume you would encounter it more in areas with larger Hispanic and indigenous populations.
Oh, dude, we have so many words for that type of thing.
Can’t believe you passed up the chance to use the plural “attorneys general” - that doesn’t come up every day, you know!
Ok, so did they steal “code” or “codes”? This article, the NYT excerpt, and the quote from the report all sound like they’re talking about different things.
Evangelical. The fuck kind of Christianity they teach is Evangelical.
Yup, “infinite sequence of 9s, with an 8 at the end”.
Or a very dedicated cosplayer.
Once you get to the sentencing part of a trial, the victims aren’t “alleged” anymore, they’re just “the victims”.
you’d think that a network would give Wilmore and The Daily Show’s new host, Trevor Noah, a fighting chance to prove their mettle.