
I'm fine with the "missing" term - my issue is with lumping them together with infanticide, and just plain old murder.

Kim Kardashian is:

You irrelevant details are getting in the way of a snide outrage - stop that!

I'm not sure I follow - are you actually saying you believe that Russians during Soviet times did not know about "orgasms, etc."?

Is it wrong for you to wish that someone would kill a white teenager to prove a point?

Will continue to update as more slime oozes into the Twitterverse.

To be fair, advertisers know that women don't actually eat salad - they just laugh near it.

Seems like they understand it just fine, and simply choose to be assholes.

My dick is, quite literally, the cleanest thing you can find in a public bathroom. (and no, dicks don't just sprout bacteria through their inherent dickness)

I suspect this is going to be one of those arguments where everybody goes off of their own definition of "disease".

They have obviously worked hard their entire lives to reach this point in their career.

PR is pretty much the only reason to send people into space anymore, not that that's a bad thing, necessarily.

I need to manask: where is the line between victim-blaming and saying that "given the imperfect world in which we live, here are the things you should consider doing to protect yourself"?

What would they caller her?

There are still states where restaurants can allow smoking?

Really, this is a thing?

I know right?

Everyone does think it's bullshit, I'm not sure how actively annoyed we all are.

Always thought of "rape jokes" as being, you know, about rape, not stupid puns on related topics.

Well, no, you are not right. Not really sure where you're coming from.