
But surely no one could make a cogent point without dragging every small counter-example through the mud. Right?

For the love of god - you just reminded me that "Eggs" was a thing that existed! Why would you do that?

Am I the only one who thinks Pam being Tara's sire will be all sorts of awesome?

Joan thinks that her vagina is the answer to everything and can always be used to save the day.

I've heard of Evelyn Evelyn, but don't really know anything about it - what's the problem with it?

women are expected to appear "feminine" and "powerful" at the same time while men basically just have to shave and show up


The non-sexist males sorta cringed that that too...

Assuming this was in the US, a lot of people don't drive stick anymore; it's not that crazy a thing to ask, regardless of gender.

It's not just a plastic prop!

From what I understand, the show characters are meant to be older than the book characters. We're not actually supposed to buy that Jon Snow is 14.

Men's bodies are not, nor have they ever been, commodified anywhere the same degree women's are.

In that case it's a ridiculous, and almost certainly unconstitutional law. States have plenty of awful laws on the books (often born of bigotry) that are not, and cannot be enforced, this doesn't seem any different.

Also really seems to imply that just being in a polyamorous relationship is somehow against the law, which is just utterly ridiculous.

I don't understand, is Brown married to more than one woman or not?

Too complicated.

It was partly that - they went from a 13 episodes a season to 22, and clearly didn't know how to fill out the time.

Isn't that precisely what makes America great?

Ah yes, "absolutely justified" is the first thing that pops to mind when I watch obvious psychopaths gleefully slaughter innocent people. For a good cause, mind you.

Apparently now even just licensing a show for SeeFee is enough to ruin it - it's what killed season two of Lost Girl.