
If all stigmas were rational, well, there would be a lot fewer stigmas.

That was pretty much my read on Joan's decision.

It seemed to me like Pete made sure that, by the time he went to Don with his reassurances, the deed was already done. The little shit is just slimy enough to think of that.

Pretty simple reason, actually - those of us who haven't read the books have no idea who Garlan is. Has he even appeared on the show?


I wonder what The Alliance has to say about this?

The love story is about the man and his boat.

They probably started from the tail.

Studies like these are notoriously difficult to interpret, and no one study can "prove" such a complex issue, one way or the other.

I've seen the Adipositivity site before and understand they seek to "normalize" morbid (and beyond morbid) obesity.

Why are there no women on Facebook's board? Because there are (almost) no women in positions that fill such boards.

It's been going on for a while, but all the sequels are very different from the original, and don't involve Ridley Scott in any way.

Has it been pointed out that one of the most awesome sci-fi action heroes ever is a woman?

This movie has a ton of awesome going for it, but I think what will really sink it is the PG13 rating: you just can't do "dark" fantasy that way, quickly turns to "silly" fantasy.

Batwoman is already gay, Wonder Woman would be a little on the nose, do they even have any other female characters that can rightfully be called "prominent"?

The MRAs already do that, this isn't going to change anyone's mind, one way or the other.

It's pretty disheartening that only a few weeks after Avengers came out, anyone can still push "adequate" as a selling point for this kind of lazy nonsense.

A little self-reflection never hurt anyone.

Is the twist when you realize that you basically just read The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress again, but it wasn't as good this time?

Well then, don't I feel put in my place.