
Maybe part of the problem is that there is too much “universe” building, reboots, and copy-cat moves. It is understandable that Hollywood wants to produce something that will make money. But, they need to stop latching onto and exploiting every little thing that works.

In a just world, this beautiful prose would double as the obituary for Hamilton’s time writing for Deadspin.

Thank you for posting this. Honestly, deadspin and whoever the fuck posted this should be downright shamed into oblivion for this. Is there a criminal out there that you dopes dont side with?

I give this comment two oddly angled thumbs up.

The backstory here is probably really important, in that I’m guessing there’s a good chance Reddit guy is GENERALLY an unsupportive, tone-deaf moron and his wife’s reaction makes a lot more sense against that background. But with that out of the way:

Maybe so. Know who else was murdered? Bobby Wasikowski who was ‘scheduled’ to go pick up some motor oil.

Yep. These letters from death row certainly are interesting reads...that being said each one should start with a little story about the lives of the individuals these sacks of shit ended.

Well there goes my sushi eating plan this evening...

I know I’m an asshole, but isn’t the correct Spousal Strategy to never get yourself into this situation, by not marrying the kind of person who would want to make a Sushi Casserole in the first place?

“Robert R. “Bobby W.” Wasikowski, of Parma, Ohio, was a very kind and generous man - always helping those less fortunate. He truly enjoyed helping people in their time of need. He was an active member of the American Legion Post 703 in Parma and spent most of his free time with his friends at the Post and attended

So, it’s because the exhaust causes bigger clouds?

So this is a sponsored piece from a media company? Good to know.

I love how in your synopsis, everyone else is to blame except for the individual, for their own weight gain.

Yeah. And it’s their prerogative to do so but that doesn’t mean the rest of us want to look at them via modeling. To get outraged about the lack of obese older women in modeling doesn’t really hold much water for me. I don’t go to an art museum and get outraged that there isn’t more shitty art to look at. 

No one should be represented if the market doesn’t want it. No more than I should be an engineer at google. My traits are not needed in that profession (or wanted for that matter.)

Ew, no thanks.

Um, hello. I’m that guy. Took me a few hours, but I knew I wouldn’t enjoy it if I knew what was coming. It wasn’t really that bad.

I looooooooved this dungeon.