
While the news might or might not be true I am not sure one can use multiple outlets and confirmation in this story. I mean most outlets trace back to the same (one) source in China saying this if I am not mistaken. I’d use rumor rather than confirmation....

neat! Will it stop Google from harvesting every single detail about me and selling it to god knows whom?

Yeah, and he actually gave the viewer some good insights!

Wait until the playoffs. He’ll shit the bed then.

He was so good that I didn’t even realize at first that he was Tony Romo - way more comfortable than I expected.

Can we talk about how solid Tony Romo was? His competence and energy in the booth felt like a goddamn revelation after years of Simms shitting all over America’s eardrums.

That photograph of the eye is from Hurricane Jose. It says so right in the bottom left corner.

I was watching! The girl I was with is from Jacksonville, AND a bunch of people in my survival pool took Houston. Nice upset!

Trick question, no one ever watches the Jaguars.

The Jaguars have a better record than the Patriots.

If the Jaguars get a win and no one is watching, does it count?

I don’t think it will be a landslide, but I do think Trump will get re-elected.

Yes, and that is why Trump fired Bannon and has moved more centrist and his approval shot up 11 points to 46%. Trump is used to getting things done, GOP or Dem. The GOP are NOT his allies, by reaching out to Pelosi and Schumer Trump has shown he just wants to cut through the rhetoric.

Gerrymandering, electoral college, Russians, racism, Voter ID, martians, Dracula, boogeyman, I mean couldn’t be the smug, lecturing attitude of the left could it? Trying to convince Americans emotions are greater than laws or history. Immigration laws are mean! Offensive history should be erased (though I agree move

This is highly likely correct. We know that 100% of the people that voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again. There is absolutely nothing he can do to lose their vote. He could rape a 14 year old girl in front of congress during next year’s State of the Union address and not lose a single vote.

Then he’s going

It is an extremely safe bet that an incumbent President will be reelected. The people that put him in the office to begin with are not going to just not show up to do it again. If you guys don’t want him around for a Round 2? Go vote.

You’re living in a dream world if you think electric and autonomous cars won’t amount to a massive corporate power grab, and by extension a governmental power grab. All your movements, tracked and stored forever, except now with the push of a button those movements can be restricted or outright hijacked.

They don’t. I was referring to the idea some people believe that “The Government” will come and take away our guns. That idea has mainly been a right-wing/conservative/republican fear, but now the idea that a government will take away a person’s possessions is starting to spread to left/liberal/democrat. I find it

Welcome to the world of gun owners.

Better yet: artificially controlling the money supply to drive overall consumer behavior... Sorry, I had to go there, since we’re all wearing tinfoil hats here...