
Former university administrator here; I was the Director of Operations for a small private university.

Again.....what is it that you’re even trying to claim here?

Or you know...people who were actually falsely accused.

It’s weird how the niggers at the Root totally missed this recent news story:

That’s absurd. Assuming people who are falsely accused can just “bounce back” ignores all the evidence to the contrary. And there is a lot of evidence.

This shot has been making the rounds of Twitter today. Unreal.

The real crime is the gullible nature of a public that goes to FB for news. It’s our own damn fault.

While I despise the the Kremlin wholeheartedly and believe they did some despicable things to influence our election, I don’t see anything illegal here. They are perverting free speech rights for their own means, and I’m curious how this senator proposes we change that.

As long as you also support the right to arm bears.

Speak for yourself. Jay and Dan are not funny, they annoy more than amuse, kind of like Conan O’Brien.

There’s a gaping difference between someone who has committed sexual assault and someone who did not, but was accused of it. However, there is pretty much zero difference in how those two people are treated. There’s no reason why campuses can’t do the right thing by the victims of assault while at the same time making

Shapo (spelled chapeau) is French for hat. So somehow this is perfect.

Even broken clocks are right twice a day.

And you can only see 25% of the screen and every girl is an anime character. Also chinpokamon whisper into your ear about 2 minutes about antisemitic shit.


I think Boston drivers aren’t that bad, actually, as someone who commutes by car every day. It’s the suburban rubes who are coming into the city for the first time who are the worst. I’d much rather have a “Quincy High School” sticker on the car behind me than a Rhode Island license plate.

I can’t speak for people from Western Mass, who are the only Massholes who would ever use 91 (I literally had to look up where that was, and I’ve lived in the Boston area my whole life). People from Western Mass are like Upstate New Yorkers—totally different breed.

Oh look it’s you again

That’s right Rafi. Keeping telling the adults who actually contribute to society “fuck you”. That will resolve all transgressions and misgivings.

Bannon has always been against ALL immigration. Full stop. This has never been about dangerous criminal immigrants or anything else. He doesn’t want immigrants here. He even said as much: