
Spoiler Alert: They have still not found One Piece.

On the plus side, my fantasy FEMA team is putting up numbers this year.

You just said Americans wouldn’t do field work unless it pays a reasonable wage ($20-30 an hour). It currently doesn’t. Are you back tracking?

One thing the left and the alt right can agree on is that Paul Ryan is a fucking weenie.

So you agree that exploitative immigrant labor drives wages down?

Doesn’t matter how much the game worsens, both talent wise and from a business standpoint, it’s always going to be king. There are always going to be people who say they’re done watching/caring about football, but no one wants to be the guy that talks about soccer all the time. That guy’s weird and is the reason

Let’s focus on the things that bring all football fans together and can always enjoy:

For him, absolutely.

The analysis of this article is genuinely bad. By throwing the fate of DACA people to congress, he is pulling one of the remaining levers of power he still has. Congress will be forced to admit they don’t care either which allows Trump to defray blame or alternatively they will pass immigration legislation, which

Raonic seems like a great guy, works hard. GOD so boring to watch. Shapo appears occasionally prone to tantrums (although nowhere near the Kyrgiosphere), but I could watch that backhand and court coverage all day.

Hurricanes form during hurricane season... Thanks for that great info..

I’m sure they will take the funds from “1000 other places” and dedicate them to labor organization. Or not because union leadership is useless and can’t convince people of their utility.

I believe the correct phrase is “Take off, eh!”

Can’t wait til the Canadians coming down for hockey games get profiled as well, go back to your country, hosers!!

Wow, Oakland can’t even keep their Civil Rights attorneys from heading to Vegas.

It’s not clear how big a role Prince Anders will have in the film

All Poc movies are good

This is such a smug, fucked up attitude that you have, and a great way to make everyone who’s not an extreme left-wing race activist hate us (and yes, that includes a lot of minorities). Diversity is not a zero-sum game. Either we want big tentpole movies like this to look like real life and include people of all

How about “Don’t make a live action Aladdin” instead?

You missed last week’s meeting where there was a reverse of course.