
I learned in my very liberal microeconomics class that the influx of undocumented immigrants has actually lowered wages, mostly is unskilled labor where businesses pay workers shit wages under the table instead of officially hiring someone.

And you managed to entirely miss the point. Good job!

It doesn’t take place in Ancient Africa. If we are basing it on the original, it takes place in Western China. If we are going with the adaptation, it takes place in an oriental fever dream that could be the Middle East or India.

They can. The lane always seems to be “white people are bad”.

they can’t pick a lane. classic

So, diversity is bad then?

Lying on government documents often carries perjury punishments, is that citizen intimidation?

Does that mean that the Democratic government of Puerto Rico is responsible for inadequate preparation when the storm nails the island?

Evidence of increasing rate? Not saying you’re wrong I just anecdotally don’t remember that many major hurricanes hitting FL or the US at all between 2005 and 2017. Sandy was bad because of where it hit but it was barely a hurricane when it made impact. Memory could be failing me.

The talking point is 97%, and it’s been bullshit since it was first published.

The best way to blame this on Republicans is global warming, right? *PITCHFORKS*
Ahh, yes, there is the “Climate Change” tag on this post. Any.... real proof of that?

DACA affects kids (or previously kids), yes. But what I’m saying is that DACA is part of an overall immigration enforcement posture that does factor into the choice of illegal immigrants to risk coming to and staying in America without papers. DACA can be about giving legal status to kids and deterring future illegal

What does the reason for the Democratic Party being on the other side of this issue have to do with this though? Every political party does what they do to get votes. The problem is that 1 party is doing something that most people find reprehensible and immoral to get the votes, while the other is not.

Our current immigration process is bad. It’s unwieldy, it’s poorly-thought-out, and it’s unpopular both with the electorate at home and with the long list of people trying to get into our country.

Uh, isn’t that why the Democratic Party supports the current immigration situation, which is rapidly changing the demographics of the country in a way that benefits the Democratic Party? Like, yes, the Republicans are doing this too, but you can’t have this conversation and ignore the fact that the Democrats’

I’ll preface what I’m about to say with I’m 100% in favor of DACA. I’m an immigrant myself married to another immigrant.

But if they’re not citizens, why are they voting anyways?

I think you can only see them if they respond to you. At least, that is how it has been working for me today.

This is why we need Verrit!