
I get that it looks tacky. But, I am seriously, earnestly asking: There are costs associated with cleanup. What are they supposed to do?

But he HAD to make fake accounts because...umm....something-something Misandry?

even a cursory search for Sarkeesian's name on Twitter and some other Gamergate-heavy forums is enough to find plenty of angry messages, offensive caricatures, and inflammatory comments.

I think you made the right call, Jason. This will bring him a small boost in visibility, but you've done the reporting and laid all the facts out there for everyone.

If you have to create multiple fake accounts to make a point, chances are your point is fucking awful.

Oh no! Not a threatening letter! Oh, the humanity!

Read the article and then get back to us on that.

Two elements of the "Southern Way of Life"

Got any more bright ideas, coke bottle?

They also taught us that de-oxygenated blood is blue... Don't believe everything that teachers tell you.

I like none of the people in your story.

I'm with you. I think all major milestones in a man or woman's life should be shared and celebrated with the ones they love, especially parents.

It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.

Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.

Banners on the horizon bear their sigil...

No, you misread my comment. I wrote, "No, they (the Bears) couldn't have (held the Packers to 2o points)."

Every Play The Bears Ran Was The Most Disastrous Play Of Week 10