Gluten Makes You Dick Fly Off


No one cares about your boner.

Recently Jezebel published an article, the entire crux of which was "look at these photos we have stolen from a blog and republished without permission!" Shit like this is why I laugh whenever these people call themselves journalists.

"Nice guys" don't "lift" (a.k.a. steal) other people's personal and intellectual property (such as photos )and use it for profit.

My alma marter is one of the women's colleges offering transfer opportunities to Sweet Briar students. The general feeling among current Vixens and alumna, from what I understand, is that something suspicious is going on behind the scenes at Sweet Briar.

Don't bother. There is nothing you can do to help the kind of person who sees the words "the South is not more racist than the North" and reads that to mean "the South is not racist." Racism is the fault of poor rural whites, you see.

... You are aware that the southern states are home to more black folks than the North, right? The "mostly all-white" communities you're talking about are more likely to be gated suburban enclaves on the edge of your beloved "liberal" Northern cities.

The question of eating horse is particularly interesting in the United States right now, given that slaughtering horses is swiftly becoming functionally illegal. This has led to an increase in horses being abandoned, starved and/or killed and left to rot, because there are few places to bring an otherwise healthy but

Yes. Children are not robots or computers. You can't just put the right code in and expect perfect behavior to come out. Parenting is not a problem to be "solved" with research.

Serious question: How can Jez and (presumably) other media outlets get away with stealing this woman's pictures off her blog (which is legally her intellectual property) and republishing them for profit? Do your editors just cross their fingers and hope these folks don't know their legal rights, or what?

I held it together until I got to those tweets. Oh, my heart is broken.

YEP. The patriarchy oppresses women, but it hurts everybody, y'all. Including men, who sometimes lose out on crucial life skills because their families don't think they should have to learn "women's work."


I live in a small town that is home to one of the largest railroad hubs in the country. Hundreds, if not thousands, of these poser-ass traveler kids pass through here every year. I say "poser-ass" because upwards of 75% of them are really upper-class 20-somethings from the Pacific Northwest, hopping trains with

YES MA'AM. The only wearable shapes are in velvet. The magical figure-enlargening fabric.

I've been working my way through the Walking Dead on Netflix, and with every episode I become more convinced that this show exists only to demonstrate, by contrast, the brilliance of the original "Night of the Living Dead."

You know, I'm sad that the Patriots won the Superbowl — but I'm glad that Gronk won the Superbowl. It's a confusing way to live.

Since when can you buy a carton of 13 eggs?

"this once great nation"

Dentists in the audience: How does this work? How does it match up so well with his gum line? Why not just get a permanent implant?