Georgie the Rock

Anybody else remember the last time dem states flexed their states rights muscles?

I only see one post by Mr Ragg. At least here where I live, a charge like that would need multiple unwanted contacts. He didn’t tell anyone to contact her but to contact the authorities. The way this admin is going soon that type of action will get you a bottle of victory gin or something.

In this case, Trump really is not her President. Can’t find fault in that.

“Overvalue themselves” LOL. Overvalue like expecting a living wage for their jobs instead of underpaid drudgery that leaves people below the poverty line? The problem is that we don’t value unskilled labor enough.

My very good plan gives me the ability to FaceTime with doctors without needing to come in (for things like prescription refills that don’t need testing). It allows me to schedule day of appointments easily. It allows me to pick pretty much any doctor in my city. I don’t have a copay. My deductible is super low. I’m

Not quite true. The number of billionaires, or “oligarchs,” in the US is tiny in numbers, but there are 100 million in the upper middle class, households earning over $100,000 a year, most of whom “have it pretty good right now” when it comes to healthcare. And, there are another 100 million in the middle class, who

It’s very interesting, as there are many great healthcare models out there, all of which are quite different, but yet very effective- Switzerland, Taiwan, Canada, Norway, etc. Not all are actual single payer, but they all fall under the single payer umbrella.

By this reckoning no Quebecois is qualified to speak any language under any circumstance.

So every person in America with employer-based insurance (many of whom like it) will be forceably removed from it and moved to a government insurance plan. Exactly how well does that idea poll? Obama took a load of heat over “If you like your plan, you can keep it” not applying to obviously junk non-insurance, but now

I guess I’m not on Twitter and don’t know the personal attacks being inflicted on Mr. Dipp, but Bob Ley’s defence misses the mark. In his example, he was being asked to be an interview guest on another network, in another language, for which all kinds of allowances can be made.

Big difference between what barroom someone uses and using tax dollars to pay for gender reassignment surgeries. And yea, the military doesn’t pay for education, tax dollars do. Which all come from one larger pool, our tax dollars. Any way you look at it if you are going to fund more things you have to do one of two

How does military personelle getting a gender reassignment surgery benifit our country as a whole? So we can show the world how open minded we are? All I said was that the money would have a better use elsewhere that would have a lot more benefit to our society.

No, that is a completely false assumption and it is rediculous for you to attack me with that when I have said nothing along those lines. I am open minded, but you have apparently latched on to we have to pay for this. You saying we could cut back on military and fund education and these surgeries shows that as well.

For real, fuck off Bob. I don’t care if it’s not his main language, he came off looking like a fucking dope. If you can’t compose some semblance of a coherent thought for your first major main ESPN job, then don’t even do it. That whole broadcast was hot garbage. Rex didn’t have much to say and when he did, he stepped

At ESPN Deportes his job is to provide his journalistic services in Spanish. At ESPN, it’s to do it in English. He did that poorly last night.

Viagra is prescribed for an ACTUAL medical condition. Not made up fairytale bullshit conditions like trying to scientifically impossibly switch your gender. Lol

I know getting a nose job is much different than gender reassignment surgery and I’m not trying to be insensitive toward transgender people. I feel that being homosexual or transgender should be left to ididviduals and those individuals should be treated just as everyone else is treated. However, I still don’t see how

You aren’t going to get any where with this crowd because most have never served and they have preconceived notions baked into their thought process. The Viagra argument is a simple smoke screen. Did you notice no one mentioned how much the DoD spends on birth control pills? Hell I was an infantry officer and

What I was saying is that I do not feel post-op complications and issues should be paid for with taxpayer dollars either. People having this surgery should know the risks before they do it and not just get to pass off the burden of a complication of a voluntary and unnecessary surgery to taxpayers. The surgery is