OK, here’s another champ:
OK, here’s another champ:
Well maybe your definition of nazis is a bit too broad. If you consider everyone on the right a nazi it makes it difficult to root out the people doing real harm. Of course both sides of the political spectrum despise real nazis.
“The banner’s design, in fact, perfectly mimics a German Nazi war flag, with the Kek logo replacing the swastika and the green replacing the infamous German red,”
Is that first sentence of the article really fair? Should you really be saying that they made a gauntlet that’s “based on an alt-right symbol”? Wouldn’t it be better to say that it “bears a similarity to an alt-right symbol”, or something else that doesn’t imply that it was intentional?
And the internet wide censoring of the right continues unopposed and unchallenged.
Southern Poverty Law Center... I’m not sure which is worse, a meme appropriated by a hate group or a fraudulent organisation appropriating people’s money and sending them to off shore accounts.
I don’t think it’s censorship. I think it’s coddling the hypersensitive. You just stated that the design seems meaningless. Instead of just saying “Fuck those guys” and going about your business, you allow them to take a word from a fictional language, hijack it, and give you cause to go get upset. We’re expected to…
This article might have been better if it didn’t use the SPLC as a source. They’re a fraud who got their start representing the Klan, then switched teams when there was more money in opposing them. They’ve been sued in the past by employees credibly claiming racial abuse. The entire staff resigned in protest at one…
This is honestly ridiculous! how is once a memorable meme from warcraft, being identified as an alt right symbol? Are leftists really that butthurt? Wanting to remove any single thing that has correlation with alt right, even insignificant things like kek? We shouldnt let any political group change the meaning of…
Groups like Antifa and Blacks Lives Matter are much bigger threats to our freedoms than marginal groups like the KKK and neo-nazis, whose long discredited ideology is being played up by the media and the left only to bludgeon conservatives.
1) Everyone dies eventually. 2) Just because 1 person died from something that’s unrelated (but is being incorrectly associated, laughably so) doesn’t change anything. 3) The amount of things that comedians make jokes about which have been the cause of death would disagree with you.
Makes you wonder what people will determine is the next “hate symbol”
y’all know kekistan is a joke right?
On the contrary.
You reference the southern poverty law center in this post? Are you kidding me?
Jesus, you’re absolutely right. I’m so sorry.
North American society has become a bunch of fucking sissies offended by the most bullshit tripe.
I recently found out i cant use the numbers 88 due to aryans, even though I was born in 1988.
The stupidity of people reporting on things like Kekistan and Pepe is just fucking sad. At least when the older people (and this is from a 30-something) die off the younger generation will actually understand jokes, comedy, trolling, logic, reason, truth, etc...
Good job being the “no fun” party, guys.