
@DrakeDatsun: yeah, but... that's still kinda dumb, right?

looks like there's some annoying gamplay issues, like a lot of punching at the edge of the screen trying to get at the bad guys. And that one dude he picks up after her gets run over by the bus—seems like the bodyslam has no effect. He bodyslams the guy like 10 times then sets him down and he's still alive. Maybe

Heh, that's a pretty funny story. I like that this is game news about an event that happened IN a game... it'd be cool to read more of this on Kotaku. Any strange or unusual happenings inside of games.

Eh, give it another 10 years or so... it'll be ready. Release date Q4 2021

Sony.... are you seeing this? Time to hire these guys to make something!

That IS pretty awesome! Dumbphones with STYLE!

There's a lot of fascinating data in here. Most interesting to me is the graph of attractiveness versus camera. How did Panasonic Micro 4/3rds end up with such a huge lead?? Is there some amazingly hot 4/3rds photo nerd out there throwing off the data?! WTF? And ouch for Minolta SLRs!!

Hahah, the best part is how the next car drives up and their food is ready

pshhhh, totally. agreed. That illustration says it all. For as long as the PS3 has been around, I'm stunned that Sony hasn't implemented something... SMARTER! The current system is like a cruel joke. One that I must tolerate monthly, usually when I'm in a big hurry to play something. BAD sony BAD!

Real men of genius salutes you, mister I-used-an-emergency-inflatable-slide-to-quit-my-job guy

Nice writeup. Amusing to hear you share your experiences about a game this old that you somehow missed!

Whatever. Screw iTunes. I say you go girl Yoko. Steve Jobs and company, for all their brilliance, are a bunch of arrogant, self-righteous, scruffy looking nerf herders, with their black turtlenecks and their cappuccino mocha latte whatnots, smugly typing away on their iMaxiPads about how "the desktop metaphor is

Now THIS is an interesting, well-written article about the metaphysics of gaming. Take that article earlier this week about "immersion" and throw it in the trash.

Awesome sauce. Can't wait to combine the huge screen of the Droid X with the substantial upgrade of the 2.2 OS. Yessssssssss

yeah that is extremely badass. I do DJing on the PC and I would LOVE to have a system like that. Traktor is a pretty logical match for a touchscreen interface like that too. Wish this were a commercially available product!

Well I hope RIM sticks to their guns.

Yeah, that is kinda sad. Never thought I'd say this, but I wish the FCC had more power to enforce (NN).

pffft, what the hell is that last one?! It looks like a 5 year old drew it. You lost me at that part.

Giz phone reviews have decayed to the state of "not made by apple=DO NOT BUY!!" Sigh. I'm waiting for a favorable review for anything. Not even the Droid X got good treatment. Engadget was not so biased.

hahaha, I love that the tag for this is "protip" NICE.