
Good to see the Courier given a shout here. Nothing in 2010 came as close as that did to eliciting as much hope and anxiousness from me... and then frustration, rage, and depression. I will never, for the life of me, understand how MS could come up with a gadget SO AWESOME, and then kill it instantly. FOOLS.

I consider myself somewhat of an audiophile, and I find this very amusing. Audionerd approved.

@moopug: word. I felt that same growing sense of "ummmm, is this really it?" as the release date grew closer. With the quest activity as skimpy as it is, I really wish they do SOMETHING to open up the world so that user creations are really what it's all about. The current system of restricting everything to a

I was lucky to get a beta invite to the universe, and a lot of what you're describing sounds very familiar. I had a few big gripes with the game, which I hope will be touched upon more here at Kotaku:

Giant bees, you say?

hahahaha, it's so true.

This is a really great little video. Kinda heartwarming, although I don't think I could explain why. Thanks for sharing!

On the New York Times this morning: he was misquoted. He meant NETbook sales, not NOTEbook sales. Now doesn't this rant look a little silly.

I don't care about Microsoft ever since they killed the Courier. Doing that tells me all I need to know about their company. The best mold-shattering, innovative idea they've had in decades... gone.

This is not the Courier app we're all looking for. And damn you for teasing us all like that. You did that on purpose. For shame.

I thought this was serious for a second when I read the lead... Man, I really hope Giz has a positive review for win phone. It's not that I even like microsoft. It's just something—anything—to cut through the stench of rabid apple elitism in the reviews on this site would be such a breath of fresh air. I've started

heh. That's an intriguing concept.

this guy is my favorite guest illustrator so far. His stuff is sparkly and badass, not like that grotesque fat girl on the segway. Why subject our eyes to such horrors?

Not surprising news. That's okay. I can wait for this one. I hope it's as badass as I feel like it's gonna be.

It's not very often that you see this kind of psychotic behavior to make very sensible demands. Heh. What a an odd news story. While his methods are detestable, I do see the merit in what he's asking for.

Love the stretchphone. Sign me up for one of those when they come out. And the see-through monitor is badass too! Although I'm not sure about the "bitchslap to flip" or "bitchslap to scroll" gestures. That one may need some further thought.

to each his own. I dig the vibrancy!

well it's about freaking time. And why isn't this all over Gizmodo? Oh yeah, they're too obsessed with the Apple news to cover anything else. BURN!


Dude! L-O-V-E those graphics! Eye-popping!