
I'm gonna buy it all. Beatle fanatic. Bring on the DLC, and I shall purchase of it.

Yes, I also wish that developers would spend more time working on the single player experience and leave out multiplayer more often. Especially when the market is already so saturated with good multiplayer offerings already. For example, Far Cry 2: it's got a great level editor, and the game itself kicks ass,

I wish they'd come out with this for the PSN. I ain't got no Xbox and I ain't gettin one... but I do wanna play this pretty bad! Big peanuts fan :-)

I think it's mostly been said, and said well in the comments already... but Langdell saying, "It is a great pity that another fellow indie developer, Mobigame, got caught in the crossfire"—that's a ridiculous statement. I emailed the dude at Mobigame a while back when I wanted to buy their game EDGE for the iPhone

I think this game could potentially be super sweet. I'm feeling optimistic about it

those stupid corporate hacks. Guess we're stuck playing the best N64 game ever on buggy annoying emulators until they can get their acts together.

yeah, maybe it's a good thing this doesn't allow pizza to be ordered with the push of one button....

I'm still holding out hope that Rockstar will release it for the PS3 in a year or two. You want my $50 Rockstar? You know what to do. I ain't buying no Xbox to play this, even if GTA is my favorite video game series of all time.

co op would be fun. But man, not every game has to have a multiplayer component. Seriously. Especially 1st person shooters, a market that's already uber-uber-saturated. Unless you can offer something fresh and fun and unique, I wish those developers would just sink their time into the single player experience.

I wanna play Red Dead! Take-Two is so great.

"Know what would make Syndicate great today? Take the original Syndicate, put it in a new box and sell it." OH I HEARD THAT!! SECOND!

played it and it looks great! Can't wait for this one

TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter, TIE Fighter, plllleeeeeeeaaaaaasee say it's TIE Fighter!

@Stephen Totilo: ZOMG, Stephen replied to my comment, that's never happened before that a gawker writer actually wrote back! I feel so special and sexy now. And still disgustingly nerdy for pointing out the ion cannon technicality. We'll chalk that one up to playing a whole lot of X-Wing and TIE Fighter back in

That sounds great, except that technically, any devoted star wars nerd could tell you that ion cannons can't blow things up, they can only disable them... like an EMP blast knocks out electronics without destroying its target outright.


Ugh, you faked me out AGAIN. I don't know how many times I've gotten excited to read that you can play and manage FLAC through iTunes, only to dig into the article and see 'oh well, actually you have to convert it, and then it works'. Hrm. Well I guess that means IT DOESN'T PLAY FLAC. Sorry... it's not you I'm mad

Yeah more sitar is right.

Where's Transport Tycoon? That one was the best