
Hmm. Before I read this, I felt kind of ambivalent about the game. Now I kinda want to play it. The detective stuff sounds unique, and I loves me any game with a unique twist.

I want it. Forget the naysayers. Give me a d-pad, someone, please. I'll lug around an external case/housing if need be. It's still less things in my pocket than a DS/PSP and a phone, both. I'm all for it.

totally gettin this game. But I won't be inserting those stupid little wooo!s into every song even if it does win extra points. If the Beatles didn't sing that, I ain't singin it.

Coolness. I'll be following this one

That's a weak excuse. I don't see how a 2D sidescroller could eat up all system resources and thus leave no room for online play. I'm not buying it Miyamoto

Yeah this is going to be SO AWESOME. Definitely pickin it up.

Awesome! I'm looking forward to this one. Rockstar always seems to do top-notch work, I'm sure this game will be no exception. Definitely gonna be playing this one.

Take your time Rockstar. But hot damn I wanna play that noise.

I'm glad they didn't provide a screen. I like the graphic you made =)


Yeah totally. Now bring lost and the damned to PS3

Dude is a national hero.

@HalenKnujunkle: WHAT-EVER dude. I'm a trumpet player, I love Miles, I've even transcribed and performed, note-for-note, some of the solos on this album, and I would love to hear an 8-bit version. Yes, nothing will ever surpass the original, but you're missing the point if that's what you'd expect. It's like the

Oh scha-weet! I can't wait to rock that sucker!

Yeah there better be more. There better be at least a crossfader, and that turntable platter really should MOVE. Something tells it it won't though. Something tells me scratch is going to be way cooler. Their controller is made by Numark, an ACTUAL DJ company. Who's this one built by? Hasbro? Looks more like

Oh yeah! Can't wait for this one. It's gonna be a lot of fun to play this classic in HD

Paid in hugs??? These better be hugs from smokin hot bikini models with $100 bills fallin outta their panties if so, because THAT man deserves to get PAID!

I'm a big beatles fan, don't own any previous rock band or guitar hero games, and thusly have no plastic instruments. So for me, a beatles junkie who is just now buying his first music-play along game, I'm totally going to get the instrument bundle. And I think it's gonna be sweet! I just wish there was a casino

very nicely done! Pricey! For the discerning enthusiast only.

Wow, Kotaku, the unstoppable force of gaming investigative journalism! Way to be, boys. That's badass.