
heh. Funny. I'm glad that Nico's done though. He had his masterpiece and it's complete to me the way they ended it. Serves a greedy bastard right for shooting off his mouth too.

I know this thing is XBOX exclusive and all but... c'mon. Bring it to the PS3 in six months or so Rockstar. We wanna play it too and our money is just as good as theirs is. I'm not buying a 360 just so I can play this game, even though GTA is the greatest series ever. PS3 is calling you......

whaaaa? A 10th class?? OMG OMG OMG OMG

wow. That's incredible work. That thing looks so real and so... substantial.


this game looks cool. I'm interested in a skateboarding game that's actually about skateboarding, as opposed to Tony Hawk which is like, a bunch of crazy shiz with oh yeah, some skateboarding too.

mmmmmmm Animals are tasty.

whaaaaa??? Brain... cannot... take... another GTA?! I kind of hope that this actually isn't true, and this coming from a very hardcore devotee. I want Rockstar to take their time and do things right. Don't just rush out some new crap; do it slow and craft us a new masterpiece. And please bring back airplanes,

Hey, that makes so much sense! Valve, how I love thee.

Cool. This game was the sleeper hit of 08 for me. Loved it, and I'm STILL hacking my way through the time trials on PS3. Lots of replay!

That's .... RAD!!!

Interesting read. Personally, as a dude who's played videogames since their inception, I think this simplifying (read:watering-down) of the whole idea of the genre has more potential to weaken the artform than to enhance it. I mean, even if the ability to make your own choices in a game is nothing more than the

Announced it too soon? Nah, I don't think so. Better that the 3rd party devs know about Home sooner than later if you want them to create all that delicious extra content for you, right? If anything, Sony just took too damn long to come out with the thing. Same thing with LBP, same thing with the forthcoming Grand

Sweet! I gotta check that out. HL2 = best game ever, IMHO.

well that's a step in the right direction I guess. The more fellow PS3 owners I talk to, the more I hear the sentiment that people are excited about the *concept* of a gamer-social-networking thingie with places to watch movies, play minigames, and get content. However, Home, is piss poor in all these areas. The

Sweetness. Nice choice on the Beatles pic. I love Yellow Submarine. I hope the whole game looks pretty much just like that picture does... Huge Beatles fan here, and I can't wait for this title. Definitely buying it.

oh valve. How I love thee

Solid choices, Kotakuians. I would have liked to have seen Mirror's Edge as the runner up for most innovative, but then I loved that game.
