
Nice screenshot, in Mirror's Edge there... good to know I'm not the only one still playing that game!


Yes, this game is a head and shoulders above the typical iPhone "game" fare. Runs stable, full-featured, about as solid of controls as you could hope for on a touch screen, and fun to boot. Great work Maxis, er, EA! I hope SimAnt is next! =)

Oh sweetness! Thanks for the update Kotaku!

@JamesR87: WERD. That WAS an awesome game. I wasted so much time playing that

It doesn't matter what it is. I'm gonna buy it anyway.

Yes, yes, yes, yes ,YESSS!!!! I have actually been searching the apps store every single morning in December, waiting for this one to come out. Imagine my glee yesterday morning when I spotted it, before the announcement on Kotaku even! Been playing it most of the day on and off yesterday, and even played it a

I'm confused!!!

First off, it rocks the house that they made this. I bought it instantly after I read this just purely because I love the series and I want to support the release of more of these titles. Several months ago I was playing super monkey ball and wishing it was a Katamari game instead.

Oh HELLLLL YEAH! THIS is the game that I have been waiting for on the iPhone. The minute they started making games for this platform I asked, when are they making SimCity? Can't wait!

Two words: Simplify Media. Best app of 2008 hands down, far and away.

Au contraire, I think any release by "the Trix" is a win-win for us all. Those Homestar chaps are my heroes! Keep 'em comin' Cherry Greg!

I still say all the reviewers have been too hard on Mirror's Edge. That game is really awesome. I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone.


I agree with the dev. As much as it's cool to have unrealistically buxom babes strutting their stuff in our games, it is refreshing to see a female lead like faith with more realistic proportions. Great voice acting in this game too...

Darren is great. I still think Pi is his best film. And I hope rockstar took note of what he enjoyed about the game. It's the little things that take GTA so far.

Sillyness. I played the home beta this weekend too. Know why all these people were doing this? Because there's nothing else to DO in home! I'm quite disappointed in Sony on this beta. For the incredible amount of time they've invested in this, and for all the delays it's had, THIS is all we have to show for it?

I think, while not always true, this is a valid point. It's particularly relevant when talking about Mirror's Edge though... I feel that a lot of the reviewers got needlessly hung up on minor gameplay mechanics and kinda trashed the game over nitpicky-type reasons, when the overall experience was totally sweet and

LHC, we salute you!

Happy birthday to the headcrabs and the crowbar!