
The thing is “Democrat who doesn’t support single-payer healthcare and student loan forgiveness” and “Republican who commits borderline treason and wants to create a fascist dictatorship in America” is a huge difference you can’t dismiss with Both Sides are Bad.

The psychotic hypocrisy of Republicans kills me... They’re now effing animals incapable of thinking rationally.

I mean, I think it was in Leviticus where God said he was totally okay with the butt sex so long as it wasn’t gay, right?

Dude, people need their Christmas presents! Everything is delayed enough as it is to stop for something as trivial as a car stuck under the trailer.

I lean towards it being the Honda’s fault, but that’s not the most important point. The semi driver is either malicious or incompetent for not noticing the car and pulling over. I can understand something behind the trailer being hard to see, but that car is definitely visible in the mirror. Should lose his CDL.

Cool. They can come up to Mass. Got a good surplus of “fuck around and find out” energy.

This is not a new pic but yet it continues to remain oh so relevant. 

It is indeed hilarious how many of those ‘anti-socialism’ states are utterly dependent on socialism to stay afloat. Who do they think pays for the multi-hundred-million dollar paychecks that McNoChin brags about getting for his petty state of Kentucky? Yeah, exactly. Predominantly California and New York. Without

Feckless Razor - Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by the fact these people think Donnie Bone Spurs is a tough guy and Ted Cruz is a valid human.

I can’t find the video, but if you ever see the one with a glass-roof minivan and unbelted crash dummies performing a variety of rollover accidents, you’ll respect the seatbelt. 

Does that one dude really have a Soviet AK47 lying on top of the Constitution?

Apologies for my poor MS Paint skills but I am sure you get the point...

My mom (who was very demonstrative) was big on this— I was never forced to hug or kiss an adult (even family) if I didn’t want to because she thought (knew) the implication was that anytime an adult tells you to touch them, you had to. I’ve tried to introduce this to some friends of mine now that they have toddlers

Avoid touching children at all unless you are a childcare provider.”

“Flying-to-Florida Man”, might be more apropos.

maybe flight attendants should start teaching law enforcement how to deal with unarmed conflicts, duct tape and a chair was all it took to safely contain this guy, without reinforcements

And concise! 

Especially a government profession, how does this law not violate 1A?

A top trim pickup?