With Angelic Host, proclaim: Christ is born in Bethlehem!

Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

“It is truly absurd that the freedom of so many people in the U.S. is dependent on one 85-year-0ld woman. If we lived in a better, fairer society, Merrick Garland would have been confirmed to the Supreme Court, and Brett Kavanaugh never would have made it. But this is hell world, and so we must pray for the continued

Try35 comments”, you demented asshole.

I love the weave-based conviction.

How do you leave Counting Crows out of that? Gen X, my ass. 

My first thought was “what a team player.” We are judging a referee for doing something “racist” when this article made no mention of the rules and just assuming because he had one racist incident years ago that this also must be racist.

hahahahahah and “Trayvone Martin could have been my son.” Obama’s America.  Sucks finding out you aren’t special I’m sure.

Dat Tomato, tho.

I want off. This ride was never fun and now the tracks are made of sharks and I’m scared.

I really don’t want to explain to people why I’m crying at work

Can that be true? My liberal American friends assure me that Rachel Maddow is a fierce ideological opponent of Fox News. That is why I was so shocked to hear militaristic Fox News talking points on Rachel’s show. Clearly there must be some subterfuge afoot, because I know my liberal American friends would never

Swear to fucking god, the liberal response to the idea of pulling out of Syria — where we shouldn’t be, and never should have been — lionizing of war criminals like Mattis, and reflexive, full-throated defense of America’s monstrous foreign policy over the last few days has been genuinely disgusting. Bunch of

I am perplexed, American friends. Yesterday I took advice from liberal American friends and turned on the Rachel Maddow Show for a much-needed progressive rebuttal of Fox News talking points regarding the recent American troop withdrawals from Syria and Afghanistan.

You are a goddamn national treasure.

Hi tomato.

I’m pretty sure you’re the tomato troll, but I’m gonna star this anyway because it’s pretty great.

Go suck a super-delegate’s dick, moron.

I hear you. In Chicago, and environs, it’s really dangerous to ride in the street, and the cyclists are incredibly oblivious, or arrogant if they’re fucking roadies, and take huge risks, and make some real bullshit moves. As a car driver, the last thing in the world I want to do is flatten some dumbass cyclist who

It’s illegal to ride on the sidewalk, fucknut.

People die all the time biking the streets of Boston. The city knows this and still encourages it. Someone died outside the Museum of Science just a couple weeks ago. White bicycle now tied to a light post. People die on the Mass Ave bridge all the time. More white bicycles. In fact, I remember walking past one such