3ft high flame

Where do you find the schmaltz? I have such trouble finding it in NYC :(

Regular popsicles are only for people who are sick and have to drink/eat clear fluids. Banana is also the best flavor.

It’s plain to see that Hood is sensitive. And beneath his exterior, I bet the sensitivity is so high that’s sometimes he can’t even think straight. As to what’s eating him? Don’t know for sure, but certainly not DJ Khaled.

To the man’s house who does...

Scores and scores of liberals(both men and women) were mocking him as lacking in manliness for not being able to rip up the sign.

Absolutely. It’s tempting to think that virtual reality porn and sex dolls could get us around this problem as a society, but these men aren’t just looking for sexual gratification, they’re looking to dominate the women in their fantasies. Their involuntary celibacy isn’t the problem that causes some of them to be

I’m sure he’s just thrilled he’s not in Serbia anymore, where he might’ve had to coach a Ball kid or two in a few months.

I think it goes beyond sexual frustration - it’s frustration that they are not in control of a woman or women.

They did play without any focus or intensity. The other part is they defended to shut down Donovan mitchel and completly forgot that Joe Ingles can make open shots...All game long.

Houston played that game like they expected the Jazz to lay down. Instead, they lost on a night when the Jazz didn’t have their starting PG and Mitchell had a 6-21 Kobe line.

I absolutely abhor when a guy makes a woman’s shining moment about himself — and to do it in the name of “love” is even more loathsome. Who cares about her career when your love is the real prize, right, guy? UGH. Like that guy who interrupted his GF’s presentation of her work on the Today Show to propose!

Sigh...Rihanna I feel you. I gave up on a few ‘friendships’ after it turned out those dudes were basically just waiting around for me to give in and start dating them.

Yeah, I’m fine with shoes generally but let us unite against the true enemy here, pants. The best is towards the end of the summer, I’ll sometimes stop and try and think of the last time I wore a garment with a fly and can’t remember.

Shoes are terrible.

Are you available for toddler to thirteen year old meltdowns? Because your sweetly calm demeanor with the teeniest bit of unyielding authority is what I aspire to. Also- I want your hair. The sheen of purple is mesmerizing.

Weed is EXTREMELY more potent today than it was even in the 90s. 

Right? Because he’s a Jimmy Fallon. Craig Ferguson was great. He was so weird and special and made everything seem so fun.

I miss Craig Ferguson. James Corden is no Craig Ferguson.

Seth Meyers has consistently been a pleasant surprise for me. I especially appreciate the effort he took to put women and POC in his writer’s room. I never was a huge fan of his on SNL but I like his late night show.

Stephen Cobert is brilliant. Jimmy Fallon is not and his aw-shucks personality does not translate well once you are in your 40s. Man children are not charming.