3ft high flame

🌟 and ew

I’m sorry. That’s a totally normal way to react. I had the benefit of not fearing this particular man physically or professionally. I hadn’t lived enough life to realize he might hide behind my car and stab me after work.

Once, a dude coworker touched my breast at work. My knee jerk reaction was to give him a titty twister. He was so shocked. I tweaked the hell out of his nipple and he just stood there, silent and looking sad.

Wait...I can’t say cunt cuz you think I can only use it to demean women? And somehow the N-word isn’t the same?

Have a start and trust that I clapped at the last line

It was 3pm-ish

I’m a wife and a neighbor, so I have decided I represent all wives and neighbors. I emphatically believe that no wife or neighbor would ever fuck Rand Paul.

Federal law prohibits, but if she came to my house I would happily pour her some of my special tea and pass her the budder cookies.

Totally. My comfort food to cash converter says I’m in for $20

I want to send her an edible arrangement or some muffins

Seemingly harmless statements can be USED as harassment

dye...otherwise the rest of it is defacing a body

It’s the parade of coaches he’s had

He looks like a puppy turned into a person. I want one

...but the tomatoes will eat through the aluminum

I’m not concerned with a statistically small number of me being accused of a crime they didn’t commit. They have recourse. They have due process.

However we choose to overturn the white patriarchal apple cart, we are wrong.

No proof, not story? Ronan Farrow had plenty of proof and nbc news still wouldn’t run the Weinstein story.

But you can protect yourself from VD with a condom and without a list.

Not a stretch, unfortunately. Rose McGowan said she told Ben affleck and he already knew about weinstein’s illegal behavior. The way that White People Nonsense takes white people to task, is how men need to talk to and police other men.