3ft high flame

Try the tincture in tea with a little fat, like cream or butter, added.

Thanks for the tip and strain name. I’m finding that shit.

I have weed with THC levels ranging from 12% (80's dirt weed) to 27% (go lie down, bitch. Your day is done).

I would buy any marijuana product that makes hot flashes go away

Well, that’s what those kids get for stealing mommy’s weed candy. Now they have to live with non-stoned people. Good luck, kiddos

I was harassed by my family and strangers about my refusal to breed. I never understood why. Why would you encourage a person to have children when they don’t want one?

He’s awesome. The rant is awesome, but it’s missing the part where he threatens to eat up all your crackers and your licorice

My teen/early 20's Samoan nieces and nephews on Island use it with each other. They see it as purely slang. Stateside Samoan family does not. I don’t get it.

I want to join in!!!

my vag rocks! I don’t need rocks

Somebody dub this over the Humpty Dance video.

I’ve been wondering how the people in South Korea are seeing this. Do the blame the orange one for unnecessary escalation or maybe they would like to see push come to shove and get Un out?

Every time


My spouse and I are self employed. We run an environmental compliance business. The new EPA slashing, the possibility of losing our ability to buy health insurance, my daughter’s college costs and access to birth control, has lead me to seek professional help from a financial planner.

My masturbation habits won’t make Atlanta a better basketball city, but I’m willing to give it a try.

Naw, he turned his body instead of moving his feet. He has no defensive instincts or discipline.

Hiding kanter and his fat contract? As a Jazz fan, I’m thrilled to have dodged that bullet.

I think Portland is the exception. They love their team even when they suck. Atlanta can’t sell out playoff games. Their fan base doesn’t deserve a team and should move.

More like his wife’s power saying, “Screw you. You’re getting a big boy haircut”