
Maybe your history teacher just went about relating it to the students in a poor manner.

I’d tell you to be realistic and not hold out for the SE, but then again I held out for Majora’s Mask SE New 3DS last year and lucked into having a morning off when all of 4 were delivered to a Gamestop near me last March.

I think what it was is the sense of “possibility.” Its something that has had a natural draw on a lot of people throughout history. Its what draws people to the frontier, to the sea, to picking up their whole family and moving to a new continent to make a new way for themselves. Its the feeling of being able to free

I can see where you were coming from on this. I read the comment and my first reaction was flashing back to my teenaged self and hearing my mother say nearly the same thing after trying to explain to her how an MMO works and why I cannot simply pause the game for a sec.

Just you wait, it’s entirely possible that the Bucs haven’t gotten a deal together yet and Koetter signs a deal with someone else to hilarious effect.

It’s very unlikely that the police killed/burned TH, mainly because if you go down that path of total conspiracy, then they would have drained some of her blood to spread around the Avery trailer/garage.

You see Ellie, the reason behind this is actually good for Trump.

I know what you mean, starting the game up for the first time I was just floored by how huge it seemed. Before WoW, the biggest “world zone” I had ever played was probably Hyrule Field in OoT, which you can run across by foot in a little over a minute. Just walking from the UD spawning area to Brill felt like a

Depending on the movie, there’s a lot of pre-production that has to be done on set before any shooting occurs. Lighting has to be figured out, shots need to be aligned, sets need to actually be built/furnished in some cases, etc. You only really bring in the actors once you’re ready to shoot since their time is

Just let it color the background like the Bioshock ambient propaganda and you’ll be golden.

I can sorta vouch for this. I was talked into trying a Rumchata w/ rye whiskey+something else and it seriously tasted like CTC. I tried to talk the bartender into writing down what she had done, but she just gave me a shake of her head and a look that effectively said “eff you and your garbage drink”.

Exactly. I live in Florida and before he was elected to the senate all everyone ever said about him was that he was so well-spoken and so handsome and would make a great VP candidate someday due to his ethnicity. All the while he never actually did anything beyond giving good speeches.

Irony: large swaths of Pennsylvania were settled* by German-speaking immigrants in the 1700s, some populations of which continue to speak their own dialect of German and are an integral part of Pennsylvania’s history and culture.

I backed it too, in part due to the coverage. I don’t blame you, you’re not psychic. I had been looking for something to back on KS to use as sort of a trial to see how legit KS could be. Oh well, live and learn.

I’m concerned Jason. The use of “a” Zelda 3DS imlies that you presently only own one. Therefore you need to buy this new one and either the Oot edition or the Majora’s Mask edition to complete your collection.

You know how #notallmen. He’s the guy.

Yeah, in fact there was a QB Josh Johnson and SP Matt Moore for Tampa Bay teams at the same time as there was a SP Josh Johnson and QB Matt Moore in Miami.

Note the blue color border on the card, it’s a mage specific epic. Still pretty annoying.

I would have just poured the milkshake into a bag and handed it to her. And immediately dived around the side of the car before she could hurl it at me.